418 Boomkin -LF Guild

Hallo, I am adding my two cents into the ring, to horribly mix/mangle my metaphors. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyhow, primary infodump is over here, but the TLDR synopsis is we raid 8-11pm CST on Thursdays and Sundays (6/8H Palace, though Sundays are sometimes normal runs and later in the raid tier they’ll probably turn into alt normals again) and if those times work with your schedule we’d love to have a boomkin on the roster. Or an ele shaman. Or a frost mage. Whatever floats your boat that you feel comfortable raid DPSing on. :slight_smile: We don’t poke at mythic raids, so you can even raid with us cross-server permanently if that works out better for you.

If I have sufficiently distinguished myself from the crowd and/or hit the right note, you can reach me at Veyska#1819 (Bnet) or Veyska#5887 (Discord). If not, cheers and best of luck elsewhere! :smiley: