417 Mage LF H/M guild

Hello all my name is Varenon. I am changing my main to mage and I also plan on staying horde. The best time for me are between 9pm eastern and 12am eastern. Any questions please add my btag Varenon#1876

Hi there, we have a guild on H Thrall, Keepers of the Dark. We are semi-Casual guild with AOTC. We are currently reforming and gear a new raid team since most of raiders went to classic. We run raids twice a week Wednesday-Sunday 9Pm EST till 1130 est. We have a weekly organized M+ night.

And we run old content tmog and mounts runs, and other social events.

If you would like to add me, my btag is whitewolf030#1626 :slight_smile:

Hello Varenon, we are a casual progression guild that is looking for a couple more DPS for Mythic (1/8M). We raid 8:30-11:30pm EST Tues/Thurs, so a bit earlier than you mentioned. If we sound like a guild that might interest you i have left a Btag request so we can talk further; info/spam below:

Discord Corenne#7007
Battle tag frosty#1498

Server: Blackhand/Galakrond
Faction: Horde
Raid Times: Tuesday/Thursday 7:30PM – 10:30PM CST

Enlightened Dark is recruiting for The Eternal Palace, 1/8M 8/8H. We are currently looking 1-2 dps and an off-heal to fill out the raid Mythic. We are a casual progression guild whose goal is to get AoTC for current content then try and move into Mythic as much as possible.

Raid times are Tues/Thurs 7:30-10:30 CST. There is also optional Sunday runs at the same time for further pushing at the start of a raid tier and social/alt runs later in the season.

What to expect from us:

  • Raiding at a semi-casual level, but still clearing content in a reasonable time frame.
  • Help with providing raid consumables and enchants/gems
  • Help with classes or in game knowledge when needed

What we expect from you:

  • Be respectful! (we like to joke around and have fun with each other, this includes non-pc; if it is being directed at you and you don’t like it please say something and we will stop but don’t expect others to stop making jokes with each other)
  • Be prepared for raids (consumable, strats, addons, etc)
  • Ability to listen, learn, and open to constructive criticism while learning
  • Prior notice if unable to make raids (let us know as soon as possible) we do understand real life happens!

Expansion Raiding Progression:

CoS - 2/2H(AoTC)
BFD - 1/8M 8/8H(AoTC)
Uldir - 2/8M 8/8H(AoTC)

if you have any questions please feel free to contact me via this forum, discord or in game. Also any of our officers in game: Ranes, Raellia, and Anxiety

Hey Varenon! One of my guild’s raid teams raids at 9est Tuesday/Thursday! I added you on bnet, hope to chat!

Requiem Eternum has been a horde guild on Llane since the beginning, consistently raiding throughout WoW’s history. We always get AoTC, and push into mythic as far as we can, but are currently looking to expand our mythic roster to achieve Cutting Edge in future tiers.

Check us out on Raider io and Wowprogress. Let us know if you’re interested!

** Server:** (Llane/Arygos)

Raid Times/Days: 9-12pm EST, Mon/ Thurs

Current Progression: EP 8/8H

Recruitment Contacts: Prime#12803(Btag), Prime#8533(Discord), Click#5007(Discord)

Requirements: Good attitude and awareness. Reliable raid attendance, but we understand real life commitments happen. Puts effort into improvement and gearing both in and out of raids. This includes Mythic+ and potions.

Needs: DPS - Balance Druid, DK, Paladin, Mage, Priest.

Heals - Paladin or Priest.
Will consider all applicants, regardless of spec or class.

Hi Varenon,

We’re looking for a range dps or two. Give us a look and add me if you’re interested.

Located on Area-52 a highly populated Horde server, Moted(8/8H, 3/8M) is an AotC/early mythic focused guild that enjoys raiding in a lighter atmosphere. We run m+10’s and higher weekly for the entire guild. We offer cauldrons and feasts, as well as guild repairs for raiders. We have many former top end CE raiders who aren’t interested in playing the game like that anymore. We just destroy heroic, dabble in mythic, get our 10’s and higher in but most of all, HAVE FUN! We’re a community that has been together for a very long time, we enjoy our game time, it’s not stressful or a shout-fest! it’s a joke/booze/laughter/loot filled 3 hours!

We raid Tue & Thu from 8p-11p EST with an optional ‘fun-run’ on Monday.

EP AotC - week 5(3/8M so far)
Uldir AotC - week 3(2/8M)
BoD AotC - week 5(1/9M)
CoS AotC - week 1(no mythic for our sanity)

Discord(preferred): Jaystir#1204
Bnet: Jaystir#1960

Hey there if you’re still looking, we might be a good fit for you if you’re interested in semi-hardcore mythic progression. We are especially looking for more ranged non hunter dps(ele shaman, spriest, warlock, mage, boomkin). We start at 8 not 9 est however if that’s not a dealbreaker read on.

We’re looking to grow our M+ community as well as a couple more people to round out our roster and push further mythic raids in a laid back manner(get as far as we can but no stressin it). We’re all mostly older raiders who understand life happens. We do tmog runs when there’s interest and m+s regularly throughout the week.

CD is a progression-oriented guild that’s been around for 13 years and recently moved to Area 52 from the Eonar server. We pride ourselves on only playing with people we actually enjoy spending time with(no toxicity or drama) and are currently looking for mature players to bolster our roster. We are currently 9/9 Heroic and 3/9 Mythic BOD 2/2 H CoS. We’re 8/8N 8/8H EP 3/8 M. We plan to push into mythic and get as far as we can. We also have a strong Mythic+ community.

Our main raid nights are Wednesdays and Sundays 8-11PM EST. We also frequently do a Friday Night Normal fun/alt raid and M+ runs on most non-raid nights.

Hit up Begzilla(Chibi#1952), Slowthar(Cretia#11550), Daishii(lokiashaman#1399) or Moruba/Andoras(Dolgare#1940) for more info and to do some runs and get to know us.

About us
Imperial Guard is an established raiding guild that has members playing together dating all the way back to Dragon Soul. We are located on Horde Illidan. Imperial Guard is a progression focused guild that intends on pushing content as far as we possibly can while still maintaining a fun environment. We run content of all difficulties so that each individual member of the guild will feel like they are a part of the group. We have 3 raid teams, Fri/Sat 7-11 CST (4/8M), Wed/Thur 7-10 CST (AOTC, 1/8M), and Tue/Thur 8-11CST. We also host “fun runs” or gearing runs that anyone is invited to attended regardless of most raid requirements. If raiding is not your thing, join us for keys! While we are not raiding we fill our time pushing mythic keystones, we have many members that range from just starting out to pushing 1800 io and climbing.

Our needs

Our 4/8M team raids Friday/Saturday 7-11CST is currently lf a mage dps however all exceptional players will be considered

HIGH Priority:
Demon Hunter ( dps )

Balance druid
Monk - DPS

Anything that is not on medium, or high, but will consider exceptional players.

Our Wed/Thur group 1/8M (AoTC)

High Priority
Disc Priest

Lock Spriest

Anything else not listed will be considered.


Our Tue/Thur team is just starting out and currently accepting all classes and roles


We also have a very active mythic+ community with many players pushing 1.2k+ and guild leadership of 1.7k.

Non raiders are also welcome to join the guild while they get ready for raiding or just wanting to find a cool group of people to hang out with and kill some normal bosses for Sh!ts and giggles.

Contact Info
GM & Fri/Sat Raid Leader
Tiekenee#1613 - Btag
Thirdpint#1123 - Discord

Wed/Thur Raid Leader
fen7740#1209 - Btag
Fen#1163 - Discord

Tue/Thur Raid Leader
stixz#1697 - Btag
stixz#1585 - Discord

We would love to gain another full time mage. I know your ilvl is a bit low for us currently, but I am more about recruiting the player than their gear. We match your raid times and are active. Would get your feet wet and possibly move into the mythic raid. Get in touch if you have questions. #Nibron#8333 on discord or anyone in the information below.

About Us:
Premonition (5/8M 8/8H EP, Cutting Edge EN+NH+Ant+Uldir+BoD) is a Horde guild on US-Magtheridon. Our raid team has been together since MoP and we pride ourselves in maintaining a stable home for players. We are looking to bolster our roster with players who are interested in progressing Mythic content. While we maintain a laid-back, non-elitist environment, we are in no means casual – our goal every tier is to push CE. We have streams available for anyone who is interested in checking out our raid environment. Outside of raid, we have an active player base looking to complete M+’s every day to farm gear/score and complete 10s for the week. We also play games outside of WoW and have an active Discord.

Raid Times:
Monday: 9 PM – 12 AM EST
Tuesday: 9 PM – 12 AM EST
Thursday: 9 PM – 12 AM EST

Extensive knowledge of your class
Non-toxic/elitist attitude
Consistent attendance (90%+)
Ability to communicate (have a working mic)
Bring dps/health pots (we provide flasks, food buffs, and vantus runes)
Desire to be competitive

Recruitment Needs:
Do not hesitate to apply even if we’re not looking for your class. We are always looking for talented players in all roles/classes.

Ret Pally w/ Holy OS
BrM Monk

Fury/Arms Warr
Ele Sham
Balance Druid
Havoc DH

Feel free to apply at h.ttps://bit.ly/2mq18ln

Btag - Eatmyrice#11578, Ludacris#1776, or Limeyman#1556; Contact us in-game with any questions and to start the painless application process.

Hi there Varenon!

If Tues/Wed 8:30pm to 12am EST could work for you I’d love to chat! Currently looking for a few more reliable, dedicated team players to join our team! We are currently 3/8M.

Solidarity Gaming is a long standing guild and a multi gaming community. If you are looking for a forever home we are definitely that place!

Please reach out to me at Nox#1368 (bnet) or Nox#3461 (discord) if interested!
Good luck with your search!


<Club Chaos> has arrived on [US-Illidan H] and is recruiting for Mythic Progression!

Tracing its roots all the way back to Cataclysm, <Club Chaos> has a long and successful track record of raiding. Today we bring a core of fifteen raiders whose goal each tier is not only AOTC, but as much mythic content as possible, and are looking for raiders with similar goals.

Current raid nights are Wednesday, Thursday and Monday from 8:30p to 11:30p EST. Current progression is 2/8m 8/8h EP. We are an adult guild who likes to have fun and gamble during raids. If foul language, sexually ambiguous commentary, and an NSFW channel in discord offend you we may not be that home for you.

However, if you’ve gotten this far and are someone who can avoid mechanics, progress with patience and determination, and accept a good old “F You” as a compliment then you may fit right in with us. Contact an officer to discuss raiding opportunities - [btag] Proinnseas#1437 or [discord] Proinnseas#6955; [btag] Weasel#1273 or [discord] Bayneslayer#4726.