416 WW Monk looking for mythic raiding guild

As the title reads, I’m looking to get back into raiding and am highly interested in teams that are near the beginning of their mythic push so that I can work myself into being a valuable member. I’m a former CE raider just looking to get back to a part of the game I miss without going crazy (2-3 nights/days is all I’m looking for).

Jedelan Armory
Jedelan Warcraft Logs

Hey there jedelan,

My guild is currently looking for people to solidify our mythic roster. I sent a bnet request and would love to chat. Below is my info and hope to hear from you soon

Hey Jedelan! I am with Out of Exile, a horde guild on Hydraxis. We are currently 3/8M vault with about 30 pulls on Sennarth. We raid T/W/Th from 9pm-11:30pm EST. We are looking to round out the rest of our raid team and add a few more solid dps to help out with overall comp and you would be a great fit! My discord is Fallen#8900 and bnet is Gotti27#1791 if you would like more info or would like to chat more! Thanks!


Is a semi-hardcore progression-focused guild with a casual raid schedule. Currently, we are 8/8H and 1/8M and looking for more dedicated raiders from all walks of life with a similar mindset to bolster our ranks to continue our journey together and kill more mythic bosses.

Raid times:

Tuesday: 7-10 CST

Thursday:7-10 CST

What you can expect from triumphant:

  • Progression-focused team that focuses on end-game content
  • Free repairs and consumables
  • Nontoxic raid environment
  • Expect a lot of joking around between pulls but the game face on when the boss is pulled

What do we expect from you?

  • We do understand that emergencies and unforeseen events can happen, but we expect our raiders to be reliable and maintain a minimum of 85% attendance rate.
  • Have sufficient knowledge of your class and spec
  • We don’t expect 100% parses but we expect raiders to have a reasonable performance in raid
  • Someone who can take constructive criticism
  • A team player who helps and works with fellow raiders

More questions? Add me on discord and let’s chat


We were a 1 day a week casual heroic guild comprised of former and current mythic CE raiders that have been raiding together since BFA. We are moving to a 2 day schedule sunday, monday 9pm cst -12pm cst. This tier the main focus is getting aotc. Currently we are 6/8h. Moving forward everyone has interest of going back to mythic progression next tier. We are currently looking for people with the same intentions, finish strong this tier and start strong next tier. If this sounds like a good fit for you, please reach out to anyone below.

would love a juicy monk




How do you feel about going alliance? We are 2/8M and are looking for a ww monk. We raid Fri/Sat 7-10pm PST. My btag is vcronwen#1282 if you are interested.

Hello! - We are alliance Stormrage

We are a recently reformed Mythic raiding guild, currently 4/8M looking for exceptional players
to help fill out our team. Our goal is to solidfy the team and puch CE.
Everyone has stated the chill, mature atmosphere of the guild while having a fun time!
We also love running keys and hanging out playing different games!

Raid Times:
Tuesday/Thursday 10pm-1am EST - Mythic

Sunday 10pm-1am EST - Heroic

We also invite those who just want to run keys(most of the guild is KSM/KSH), or grab AOTC but not mythic raiding.

Feel free to add
GM - Discord Shazzammy#1860
Officer - Discord Meru#5238

Hey Jade,

5/8M CE focused W/F 7-10 EST

Discord: Spex4wild#4587