Looking for a guild that raids two or three days a week that won’t have issues with heroic raid content and progressing into mythic. Looking for times around 6-11pm est (not necessarily the whole time). Have a lot of experience with raiding mythic in the past but due to schedule haven’t been able to commit to anything to significant until now. Must be understanding of real life issues that may cause an absence (should not happen often). Also enjoy pushing keys so that’s always a bonus daddyicandy#1936 if you have any questions or need further explanations on the post. Good luck happy hunting in 8.2
Hey Daddyicandi,
Fathom is a friendly Horde mythic progression guild on Mal’Ganis. (9/9H 5/9M) We like to get down to business when raiding to maximize the 2 night raid schedule, and enjoy chilling out outside of raid.
We raid Fri and Sat nights, 8:00pm to 11:00pm CST. We’ve relaxed a bit this tier, but are preparing for 8.2. getting ready for a cutting edge next content patch. I’d love to have a chat if you’re interested.
You can check us at:
Our website at: Fathom Gaming,
Add an officer to BNet for a chat: Olly#1460, Cutegrampy#1884, Toe#1826
On discord: Ollorin#5914
Thanks for time, hope the hunt goes well!
Hello Daddy,
WUBS AND FRIENDS is a great group of players, who are real and like to play together. We have opening for a hpaladin if you are interested. I am messaging you to see if these raid times would suit you. Thanks for your time.
Wubs and Friends - CoS AOTC BoD AOTC (10pm - 1am CST, (T*)W/Th)
Part of the fantastic community of US-Mal’Ganis, W&F wants to have a fairly relaxed raid schedule with a team of 25+ like-minded individuals who want to party.
If this sounds like the team for you, contact Oneg#11294 to chat, or visit SeraphGuild .com for a QUICK google form application.
Seraph of US-Mal’Ganis is a multi-team, adult raiding guild. We have been among the top guilds on server for over nine years, and we will continue to be here for years to come. We offer a full community experience and make friendships and memories that last a lifetime.
With such a large community, we offer our raiders a wide selection of events to participate in. Our guild features:
- Core raids for each team
- Community raids open to all
- Legacy & achievement events open to all
- M+ Dungeons
- Twitch hosting for raiders
- Social Media promotion
- Active guild discord
- Blizzcon meetups
Each of our teams has unique needs and schedules. Please visit SeraphGuild. com to view the needs of each team! We are an adult guild and have an 18+ policy.
- Color Blind - CoS AOTC, BoD AOTC 8/9M (8:30pm - 12am CST, F/S) - ilpad#1438, jaymie#11120
- Blacklisted - CoS AOTC, BoD AOTC 4/9M (6:30pm - 9:30pm CST, T/Th) - Yubbination#1974,
- Wubs & Friends - CoS AOTC, BoD AOTC (10pm - 1am CST, (T*)W/Th) - Oneg#11294
Guild Master : Ilpad (ilpad#1438)
Communications Director: Jaymie (jaymie#11120)
Visit SeraphGuild. com for more information, and watch us raid athttp://twitch.tv/SeraphGuild !
We are always looking for exceptional applicants.