416 6/9M BoD Warlock LF raid team

Gday guys im a 416 6/9M in bod, im currently looking for a new home and raid team since my work schedule has allowed me back to raiding for the foreseebale future.

Hey Malicefel,

If you’re willing to Server and Faction transfer, on Barthilas Horde is desperately after a Warlock for our core raid team. We’re 8/8H, 3/8M and can feed you gear to get you up to scratch :slight_smile:

Add me on krimsonmyst#1273 if you’re interested!

Hey Malicefel!

Bulletproof, Alliance, Frostmourne
Looking for all roles for our new weekend daytime raid group.
Saturdays and Sundays, 1pm - 3pm server time

We are also accepting M+, PvP, and social members.

Guild Master - Penguin#1176 or Haistavittu in game
Raid Leader - Polarbear#1663 or Bearsmonk in game

We are still looking for a few extra members, would be happy to have you. :grinning:

Hello Malicefel!

I am on of the GMs for Triage. We are an AOTC 3/8M guild formed by CE mythic raiders on Horde, Barthilas. We are 9% away from killing Lady Ashvane.

We are seeking skilled DPS to fill out our roster. We raid Wed/Sun 6.30-9pm ST. Optional heroic nights will be run also.

If you would like to have a chat with me, my discord is Aedralinna#4340 or BNET Liberty#1758!

Hope to chat soon!

Hello Malicefel! Wb!
Would switching to horde be an option? :slight_smile:

Our guild is recruiting more dps for mythic prog

Raid time : 6.30 - 9.00 pm server Mon/Thurs
Current prog : 3/8M
Server : Barthilas - Horde

My bnet usagi#6215 or discord riisa#3859

Thank you!

Hey mate, 4/8M Dath/Khaz (H) would love to chat! Flick me an add, lesleychow#11496!

<Handle It> is an Australia based progression guild on Nagrand server.

We are not racing for world/server first but want to be a consistent progression guild, meaning we want to progress Mythic content if we can get the numbers which has been a challenge lately lol.

We are looking for like minded people to join us in raid. We need dedicated and reliable people for the raid team.

Recruitment is currently open for anyone interested in pushing and getting into mythic raiding. Would love more ranged!

Raid schedule:

All times are server time:

Wed - 8:15pm to 11:30pm
Sunday - 8:15pm to 11:30pm
Monday- 8:15pm to 11:30pm (will drop to two nights after prog is over)

During progression we may extend raids and/or raid additional nights when possible.

We are looking for people dedicated to clear content, Players that will show up to raid nights on time, Players who know how to play their class and keep up on any changes Blizzard makes to the class/spec.

We also accept casual players and players who just want to do Mythic+ or pvp we are a very friendly guild who just like to have fun while playing.

We have mog contests with prizes, farming contests, mount runs and much more to participate in other than raiding.

We are currently 8/8 Heroic Eternal Palace. 8/8 Normal

If you are interested in joining us please leave a post below,

Contact Feast, Furby in game.

Or add Furby on btag; Sammy#1911

Hey mate hit me up for a chat if frostmourne alliance suits you.


Hi there, Malicefel. Did you find yourself a home yet?

If you’re still looking, [A] Wipe It Up on Saurfang might be what you’re looking for. We’re 3/8M and are looking for several new raiders. Check us out on wipeitup dot net!

We raid Wed-Thu 20:00 to 23:00 server time; and run mythic keys Monday night.

Hit me up at Discord on Sky_Paladin#7635 or Bnet Malachiel#1815 if this looks like it’ll work for you.

Best of luck finding your new raid home!