415 Tank Druid Looking for Guild

Hey there, i am ilvl 415 Guardian Bear Druid Looking for new raiding home. I took a small break recently but got the time to jump back into action. I’m fairly active player in hopes of join a fun friendly raiding guild. (something that not hardcore)
At this point i’m hoping to find a place close to where i am progression wise(i’ll list it below) and or a guild thats building towards 10.1.
Just want to have fun and enjoy playing and be apart of a Guild family again.

 My Vault Raid Progress  --  7 / 8 Heroic  --  8 / 8 Normal

I am just looking to Tank(enjoy it the most), not interested in other specs…

– Class : Druid Guardian Bear Tank —
— 2500 Mythic+ score
– I’m currently open to whatever Raid days and times (i’m interested in at least 2 days a week) / I am on west Coast time PST
– Currently on Horde but i would be open to the Alliance —

If interested, feel free to Add me @ SwisherSweet#1925 (Battle.net) Thank you.

Hi there! Land Raiders is currently looking for more great people including a tank spot for a casual raiding environment. A little about ourselves:

  • We’re currently 2/8 Mythic (8/8 H) and have already achieved our goal of AotC
  • Plenty of M+ are run! We have people who do 10s, 15s, or a select few who push higher into 20+ region
  • Our raid times are 7-10PM EST/6-9PM CST Tues/Thurs
  • The goal each tier is to get AOTC and touch some early mythics when possible to challenge ourselves, and of course have fun!

We’ve been around and raiding since BC and are a staple of the Silver Hand server group! Several of us are ex-mythic raiders who are just looking to take it a bit easier now. We don’t really have any set rules, but hindering others enjoyment of the game is the one line we draw. Just be friendly, chill, and not a bigot.

Raiding with us is a laid back experience where you have fun while accidentally killing things! We do our best to come together and provide raid mats (feasts/cauldrons/vantus/phials) and have a few laughs each night, but we also expect people to show up ready to go (fight knowledge). That being said we also understand real life happens and we won’t hold it against you if it’s just been one of those weeks.

If you’re interested, we can add you to our in-game community and discord and you can get to know us better before making any judgements or commitments! If we’re sounding like a good fit to you, feel free to add me and we can chat further!

Bnet: Korra#11302
Discord: Korra#8438


Friendly bump

Good Morning!

The evolved Is looking to add a couple people to the roster including a tank. One of the tanks currently running with us wants to take a break and DPS. We currently raid Tues/Wed from 8:30-11:30PST we are primarily a west coast raid group as well.

Hit me up in game at Falconius#1299 or on discord Falconius US (A/H)#7104


Mythic Short Bus is looking for a tank for raiding. We are 8/8 H and planning on raiding mythic as well. We also provide all flasks, pots, and runes. We want our raiding environment to be fun and a good time but serious enough to down bosses. We also have plenty of people who are running mplus.

Raid times are:

Wednesday: 10:30 PM EST to 01:30 AM EST
Thursday: 10:30 PM EST to 01:30 AM EST

You can contact me at: Enfemus#4697 (Discord) or Enfemus#1126 (Bnet)

Hey there! Let me know if Weekend Mornings would work for you and check us out below :slight_smile:

About Us

We are a medium sized community and last summer we celebrated our 10th year! If you are a laid back, chilled-out person then you are most welcome. We have folks that range from the casual (just learning) to the (fairly sweaty) hardcore gamers. The difference is, our skilled players help folks out(when they can) and never look down on those who might not have the same skillsets. Our main community has been supported for a long time with World of Warcraft, but we do play other games; Lost Ark, Minecraft, etc…

Ex Inferno has 7 raid teams, as well as 2 M+ teams and a PVP team with various times and schedules. There is also a community raid every Saturday that anyone in the community can attend and have fun!

Team Peach is Looking for Members!

Sat/Sun from 12pm EST to 3pm EST
Short raid time, so you’ll need to be @ the raid entrance and ready to pull. AOTC goal with the sights of dabbling in mythic content.

Tanks: Open
MDPS: Closed
RDPS: Open
Heals: Open

Contact Info

If you are interested, please swing by our discord: https://discord.gg/exinferno , read our #welcome channel and Core Values, and then if all that works for you, then ping me @Bootycutie or you can contact me directly at: Bootycutie#3236

There is a brief voice interview required.

Hope to see you around!

Looking search

Hey there!

If you’re interested, we are Swearing and Repairing, a smaller but active guild that is currently recruiting for Heroic raiding and M+! We are a laid-back casual guild excited to progress and hoping to get more recruits to start mythic raiding before 10.1, but we aren’t going for CE, so just to have fun! Outside of raiding we also have groups running M+ dungeons daily (usually evenings sometime between 7-11 est).

We recently acheived 8/8 Heroic and haven’t made any attempts at Mythic yet, so we would be happy to have anyone interested come learn the raid with us.

Raid Schedule: Saturday/Sunday 9pm – 12pm EST

Battle tag: Irongears#1134

Hey there! I think you would make an amazing addition to our Wed/Fri group, we definitely need a raid tank! Check out our post and let me know what you think on discord!

Hello Swishersweet,

Are you looking for a community to call home, filled with people who will become lifelong friends?? Do you have real-life responsibilities that take up most of your time, and use WoW to de-stress?

If you answered yes then community of guilds is for you. We:

  • Welcome and accept members from all walks of life and experience levels
  • Believe in promoting a space where you can be yourself, without fear of toxicity, discrimination, or overt vulgarity
  • Maintain a fun, non-discriminatory, inclusive environment
  • Have a large active community of over 20 guilds across alliance and horde that push keys, raid, pvp, achievements, and much more.

Our raid team [OG After Dark], one of 7 raid teams within our community, is currently recruiting raiders that want to push into mythic content–either immediately, or eventually.

The team has two immutable rules:

  1. Treat each other like humans, and communicate as adults. We are all people, with the same goals, and we deserve to be treated with kindness and compassion.
  2. Maintain a growth (learning) mindset. A consistent commitment to improvement is worth infinitely more than raw skill.

Besides these two most-important concepts, there are a number of lesser requirements:

  • You must be a tagged member of to join us in raid content. Don’t want to transfer? We have over 20 connected guilds on most large WoW servers.
  • You must have discord and a working mic to raid.
  • Put the guild’s progress above personal loot.
  • Use the tools at your disposal. DeadlyBossMods addon, Weak Auras, Angry assignments, anything else to give you the 1% edge.
  • Run M+ to fill the weekly vault. We will help with this.

End of the day:
Our main goal is to let you play what you want to play. We expect punctuality and commitment to the raid group and respect towards the other raid members. Our bare minimum requirement is to know your class, know the fights, and be willing to learn and improve–for your own benefit, and the benefit of the team. All of these things really should go without saying–you take pride in your skill and abilities. Stick with us, and you will eventually unlock the doors on mythic raiding, and be counted among the best players in the game.

Raid time
Saturday 6pm PST- 9pm PST

Please fill out our raid team application form below

Contact information
Bnet - Valz#1832
Bnet - AUD1OSL4V3#1614

Mythic Plus
Dungeons are a key part of the game, and are integral in building a gearset to push top content. From learning a new dungeon at the start of an expansion to pushing keys with a group of friends, there is always lots of fun to be had and we could always use another member to help. Keys are a great way to have some fun while making new friends. There is a wide range of keys being pushed, from +2 to +20, and I’m sure in our community you will find members that fit your playstyle.

Cross-Faction Gaming
At the time of this writing, we have guilds on 19 American servers and one OCE server that raid and run dungeons together. We also have a cross-faction community Discord that serves as a hub to connect all of these servers, and let you interface and run content with folks from wherever we are. And we have GIFs.

Saturday raiding does not work for you?
No worries! We offer a variety of other raiding options that fit the raider of all skill levels. We even have basic training for those who are looking to step into raiding for the first time.