Hey there! maybe we can have a chat?
Naughtytime here! Back with more Raid recruiting for my guild
OPEN to horde or alliance players. Eventually horde will have to transfer over 
IMPORTANT - Currently 5/8 mythic Sub 30% dathea prog.
I am the GM/ RL of The Alliance guild, Exclusive Outcasts (EO) on Kel’thuzad. We are an AOTC/ mythic prog guild! This guild is over 5 years old, collecting every AOTC all the way back to Uldir! With casual mythic prog along the way, but I feel like we have taken the step from casual to actually becoming a mythic guild.
We have finished AOTC! 8/8. While downing Mythic Kurog recently! 5/8M. Open for recruiting. The scene is very competitive, and spots are earned and never in stone.
We raid Wednesday/Thursday 8:30 - 12:00 AM (6:30-10 server)
I have my vets, I have my regulars, I have my new people. Right now we have 20-22 people! Looking for more 
As we all know I will have to cut the team down to 20 for mythic. Which means I will need fillers and bench roles. Ready to go as soon as the discord ping is sent! We have certain rules all raiders are expected to follow. (We can chat about this over DM.) I’d rather have a lot of people raiding and a fun guild atmosphere then worry about the roster bug killing prog. Rosters are never set in stone are are talked about and reviewed weekly. The potential to bring in a certain class for a fight or someone to fill for someone having an off night is huge for progression. I always tell my raiders to not be discouraged if you do not make the top 20. Use it as motivation. Master your class, own it. Mythic raiding is a lot more than just 20 people. It’s a whole guild effort.
Tanks - Two main tanks are set. Off tanks for mythic plus.
Healers - very competitive. Will never tell someone no. This spot will be earned. Potentially our strongest part of the team.
Dps - not going to be picky. BUT. DK’s, enhance shamans, and Ret pallys! Anyone can come as long as you can pump, stay alive, and do mechanics.
We run keys nightly all week long, all you gotta do is ask for help! we have had multiple people achieve KSM and push into higher keys(20+). Mount runs and achievement runs are planned and completed when brought up! We are in discord nightly having a good time! 
Excited for you to join us!
Contact me at my battle net/Discord or just comment on the post 
Ty - Naughty#3575