4/14 25hm guild LFM dps

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13/14 25m
25 hm Thorim, freya, FL, XT, hodir13%, council 10%.
10 hm FL, Xt, council, freya, mimiron, hodir, thorim, general and yogg+1 all completed
Immortal/ undying
Glory of the raider


Looking for people who want to achieve 25 hardmode/ heroic boss clears. The goal here is to complete each tier in a timely manner. Tues and Thurs 7:30pm -1030pm est.

= Added additional 10 man raid days on Friday Sunday and Monday to support three groups.

We will be using a loot council that will cross reference the bis list we prepared. Decisions on loot will be based off personal performance, attendance, showing up for content outside of 25 man raids, signing up on time and overall betterment of the guild. (You show up and perform it tends to benefit the guild and you get rewarded)

Rogue- highest priority

Phractured#1352 On discord