413 Havoc DH (8/8H) (2/8M) Stormrage looking for mythic raiding guild

Ready for mythic raiding after AOTC and 2400+ io. Just returned to the game last month after taking a break since 8.3 where I hit (6/12M). Prefer weekday raid nights. Please reach out if you have anymore questions!

Hey Byrd!

Why Are We Dying 5/8M 19% Dath
Wed/Fri 7-10 EST
CE focused

Discord: Spex4wild#4587
Bnet: Wishkins#1359

P.S. we don’t have a DH

Bump bump bump.

Hi, Brydman! Our guild is also 2/8 M and looking for a dps to replace a member due to work schedule conflicts. We are on Stormrage also! More info can be found here: 2/8 Mythic Guild LF DPS (EVOKER NEEDED)! 9:30-12 EST Tues/Wed

I would love to chat more! My discord is laura#0003

Hello! My guild Blood of the Dragon on Area-52 is currently 3/8M (Sennarth 26%) and we’re currently in search of a DH for our raid team as we don’t currently have one.

We’re an older player guild (Almost all 30+) and our focus is on casual mythic content progression. We’re no spring chickens, but we always seek to see how far into mythic we can dig every content. Our current raid times are Tue/Wed 7-10pm EST, and we run keys outside of raids (Most players are 2400-2600+). If you’re interested in a chat please feel free to hit me up at on bnet at Otheris#1153!

Hey there! if you’re interested in a weekend morning guild, we might be what you’re looking for, here’s some info about us:

Currently 3/8 M, on our warcraftlogs page you can check some of our past tiers: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guild/rankings/140757/29

Easy going, Tight-knit, Weekend morning raiding team with a great atmosphere, times are:

-Saturday from 9:00 AM to Noon Eastern time

-Sunday from 9:00 AM to Noon Eastern time

Eastern time http://time.is/ET

We have a pretty stable Mythic+ Community, pretty much everyday keys are ran in some way shape or form, from scheduled to pickup groups from our discord channel, every season we hold a race with prizes to KSM!

Our Guild’s M+ Raider.io page: https://raider.io/guilds/us/lightbringer/Rumor%20Has%20It/mythic-plus-characters/season-df-1

If this sounds like something that you would be interested in, contact me for more info, i’d love to speak with you one on one, Hit me up at Slerne#1294 (Bnet) or Slerne#9837 (Discord) for more info.

Heyo! Im recruiting for my guild and team (hence my reaching out to you). We are currently 2/8M with a few 2% wipes on terros while effectively 18 manning it. We are in the process of aggressively recruiting to replace those carries and round out the team so that we can continue marching towards our goal of Cutting Edge at the very least next tier.

Our leadership team has well over 20 CE titles between the lot of us, and a handful of our raiders also have prior CE experience. We have a healthy mix of prior high-end players looking to play in a more laid-back but competent environment and bushy tailed AOTC raiders looking to cut their teeth and push harder content.

If this sounds like a team for you and you would like to play and trial with us don’t hesitate to let me know. And if you have any questions I am happy to answer all of them.

We raid Wed and Fri from 9pm to 12 est. Please be on and ready 15 mins before, and we will start clearing trash 10-15 mins before raid start. Invites typically start at 8:30 est but sometimes are delayed by a few mins.

Discord Draggit#9586

Hey buddy, if you get the chance, add me on Discord – SolSol#0028

We are on Stormrage already so I think it would be a great fit.

Greetings! I would love to chat some more over discord. We are 3/8m, raid Tues/Thursday 8:30-11:30est, and we have multiple people who run high level keys weekly. Add me on discord Forreal#1407

Would love to talk
Sennarth at 30%
Tues/Wed 830-1130 eastern

Please reach out to me on disc

Hey there,

Midnight Mutiny is on Sargeras. We are always looking for late night gamers!

Our raid times are
10:30pm - 1:30am PST (1:30am - 4:30am EST)

We currently are 2/8 mythic and are making progress on the 3rd mythic boss of VoTI raid.

BTag: Fhatee#1821 or Discord: fhatee#7914