Hello all, keep it hopefully short and simple but also provide some background information. My recent guild just disbanded during mythic Jaina progression around 200+ pulls. Was almost down.
Guild before this one disbanded as well on Mech. Cant seem to find a home with solidified roots and that’s essentially what I am looking for. I am Okay with re progressing on Jaina a bit but that is what I am looking for a guild on Jaina or done with her.
Have been playing the game since BC and hardcore raiding for the last few expansions. I am 25 years old, I do still go to school but its not enough to affect raid schedules. I am looking for a weekday raiding guild that times end before or at 12-1 am EST at most.
overall logs. www .warcraftlogs.com/character/us/eredar/peace
Please leave your info guild speeches, Bnet info etc And I will get in contact with interested parties. I always look into the guild before contacting anyone. So please be patient. Thanks guys <3
Currently US #79, got Famed Conqueror and looking to add a healer going into Crucible.
Guild Name: Fierce Realm: Aerie Peak Contacts: Revolt, Sore Battle-Tag: Revolt#1620 or Sore#1869 Current Progression: 9/9M BoD, 8/8 Mythic Uldir
Fierce is a guild with a focus on progression raiding. We always push to better ourselves as individuals and as a guild. We offer competitive progression on a fairly light schedule (11 Hours/Week).
We returned to WoW in BFA and raided in Uldir casually, under the name Grandpa Reflexes (Aerie Peak). With the switch to a more traditional raid schedule for Battle of Dazar’alor and onward, we decided to return to our roots in Fierce.
Notable Achievements:
US 79 Mythic Jaina
US 78 Mythic Blackhand
US 86 Mythic Imperator Mar’gok
US 2 Heroic Will of the Emperor (10 Man)
US 5 Heroic Madness of Deathwing (10 Man)
US 10 Heroic Spine of Deathwing (10 Man)
You can verify our history at fierceguild.enjin[dot]com and on WoWprogress (Aerie Peak/Bleeding Hollow).
Raid Times
Tuesday, Wednesday: 8:30 PM - 12:00 AM EST
Sunday: 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM EST
If you’re interested in our guild, please apply here:
We are a 3 day per week progression orientated mythic raiding guild. Currently 8/9M BOD and 8/8 CE Uldir and seeking a few solid players. All exceptional players are welcomed to message us.
Raid times: Tues/Wed/Sun - 7:30-11:00pm EST
Our goal is to push CE as quickly as we can on a reasonable raid schedule. Outside of mythic progression, we are active in other activities such as mythic key pushing, assaults, rbgs, etc. We run a lean raid roster and do not recruit for the bench, all needs are for core raid positions.
Please contact either:
Raid lead: Oblvnxknight#1712 (btag) or oblvnxknight#6331 (disc)
Recruitment Officer: Banr#1424 (btag) or Banr#4484 (discord)
We have been on Arthas since Vanilla/BC. Our Guild has gone through ups and downs and we always had the drive to keep going and improve every Patch. I am the new and Current GM (Old GM who established the Guild way back when quit and gave me leadership) and one thing I can promise new trials/recruits is a Guild filled with people that not only like to Raid but also enjoy each others company. I specifically have been looking for a certain type of personality rather than someone that parses the biggest and best numbers. It’s important for us to have longevity and that only comes when you have like-minded adults in the Guild.
I’d like to speak with you whenever you can!
US - Arthas Horde 8/9 Mythic
List of what we are looking for is in wowprogress:
druid (balance)
monk (healer)
paladin (holy)
priest (healer)
shaman (elemental)
Raid Schedule:
Tue 9 - 12 Server EST
Thu 9 - 12 Server EST
Mo 9 - 12 Server EST
SECURITY is a very social Guild with emphasis on Mythic Progression. After a multi expansion break we re-started as a very casual 1 raid night a week Guild at the start of Legion and we slowly progressed into a very capable Mythic Guild.
We are currently in the process of revamping the Guild and have already picked up a lot of very talented players that were either part of a Top 100 Guild or were very successful raiders in general.
I will not bore you guys with a long wall of text explaining all the intricate things that make our Guild any more special than others out there. I can however promise you this. Full dedication from your Raid Leaders and Officers to assure that the Guild will continuously improve.
Our current roster for BfA is looking exceptionally strong and we are very hopeful that we will rise up the ranks in this Game!
Please whisper your name and server and ideally your most recent WCL as well as a short and sweet message about who you are and how much Raiding experience you have.
GM / RL of on Tichondrius currently 8/9M 45% lowest on Jaina, 6 nights so far of prog on her. Currently looking for a healer to fill in the slot of a recent member leaving due to IRL commitments. Raid Days/Times are: T/W/Th 6:30 - 9:30 PST! You can contact me via discord or bnet.
Hi, I’m sorry to hear you’ve gone through 2 homes just in this tier. We have Jaina at 22% and just began extending this week. We’ve been around since Cata and before that we were under a different name on Area 52, Flux. We offer a more stable setting if you think we’d be an ideal home for you.
We’re Tranquil, 8/9M.
About Us:
Our goal is to clear mythic raid content in an efficient manner and farm CE for mounts. We have people who have raided with us for several years, including top 50 US experience, and we maintain leadership capable of pushing us towards our goals. US 150 being the current, better than US 100 next tier and onward. If you want a team not only active during raid, but also outside of it- this is the place. Exceptional players always wanted.
Raid Times:
• Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8pm – 11pm ET
• (Optional) Sunday: ~8pm– 10pm ET (used as a heroic clear day for sales, gearing alts, and to relax and have fun)
• We do not extend raid times or raid extra days, absent a rare ONE extra pull if the raid feels like we’re close to a kill
• We only raid 9 hours a week, so we want to use those 9 hours efficiently. We expect raiders to use non-raid hours to prepare for upcoming progression in order to minimize wasting progression time.
• We never recruit for the bench. If you are on our roster, you are expected to be able to be brought in any and every fight.
• Enjoy WoW, be active outside of raid hours. Don’t just show up for raid and log out, we want people who want to be part of our community.
• Be open to constructive criticism. Mistakes happen, we expect our raiders to learn quickly from their mistakes and avoid repeating them. Fellow raiders are a resource and we expect one another to use them.
• Toxicity is not welcome. We strive to have a healthy raid environment and expect raiders to work well with one another.
About Us: DPS Loss is a Mythic progression raiding guild comprised of a dedicated group of players whose WoW tenure extends as far back as Vanilla. We strive to achieve and maintain a high level of play, progression, and guild atmosphere on a 9 hour/week Mythic raid schedule.
We genuinely believe raiding should be a fun experience for everyone and the culture of a guild and environment we cultivate together is of high priority. Your fellow raiders are here to help each other improve and you should see everyone as a resource and feel encouraged to discuss anything with any of us at any time. We post a large number of resources that raiders should utilize to show up to raid fully prepared and have a player on staff who can provide you with custom weakauras should you feel the need for any.
For any questions whatsoever please feel free to contact our recruitment officers in-game.
Vindicatum - 9/9M Battle for Dazar’alor | Icecrown Alliance
NO Split runs NO Alts required NO Extended raid times NO Additional raid days
MUST be capable of maintaining 2-3 tanks and 100% attendance HEALER
Maintaining multiple healers is not required but commended Holy/Disc Priest Mistweaver Monk Resto Shaman Resto Druid Holy Paladin RANGED DPS Shadow Priest Mage Balance Druid Hunter Ele Shaman MELEE DPS Ret Paladin Havoc DH WW Monk Enhance Shaman
Any DPS with exceptional logs and raiding experience are always in consideration
3-days a week - 10.75hrs EST
Sunday - 8:00pm - 12:15am EST
Monday - 9:00pm - 12:15am EST
Wednesday - 9:00pm - 12:15am EST
• Friendly and mature environment. We are an adult oriented guild with a member base comprised of college students and working professionals. Drama/raging is not tolerated and mutual respect is expected from everyone.
• A long term guild with history behind it. Our guild has maintained a strong raid team since late 2006 with consistent leadership and low member turnover. We are more than just a guild, we are a community.
• We raid 3 nights a week, 10.75 hours per week. We never go over the above listed times. Once the tier is cleared, you can expect to raid dramatically less, many times 1 day a week.
• Progression based loot council system. We are committed to a system that is both ethical and equitable while helping us to achieve our goals. No DKP counting or fighting guild members in bid wars.
Past achievements
Uldir - US 46 (133 pulls) Antorus, the Burning Throne - US 66 (346 pulls, Christmas ) Tomb of Sargeras - US 31 (223 pulls) The Nighthold - US 37 (165 pulls) Trial of Valor - US 38 (278 pulls) Emerald Nightmare - US 46 (11 pulls)
Hey Magemcnasty, we currently have an immediate position for a solid MW for our healer core and we have an established history - hopefully our times would work for you so if you are interested please feel free to add me or throw an application in at the link below.
Spam below:
Guild Name: Baddies
Faction: Horde
Server: US-Stormreaver
Raid Times: Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 9pm-12am EST | 8pm-11am CST | 6pm-9pm PST
Progression: 8/9M,
M Xavius (US93), M Archimond (US102), M Blackhand (US52), H Garrosh (US78) Realm First, H Ra-Den 25m (US104), H Will of the Emporer (US177)
About Baddies:
Baddies was formed in Cataclysm with aspirations of clearing all high end raid content. Over the years we have repeatedly reached this goal while steadily improving our roster, atmosphere, and rankings. Notable achievements include a Server First Garrosh on Stormreaver as well maintaining a US 30-100 spot for 5 years. Many of our players also participate in activies outside of raiding such as M+'s, RBGs and arenas. We also have several players who play other games outside of WoW.
Raid Recruiting:
Currently accepting all ranged and melee dps. We currently have a core spot open for a tank and a healer.
How to join: Fill out our short application form - /www.baddies.org/apply/
GM: Bigpapi [B-Tag: Daemios#1636]
Recruiting Officer: Eureka [B-Tag: Eureka#1357]
Update, after tonight, we progressed from 32% to 22%, wall and nathanos down, all clean and plan set-out. We’re having a guild meeting pre-raid tomorrow to go through what we’re planning with the new upcoming overlaps/setup. Feel free to tune in if interested www. twitch. tv/stealthops
Pre-raid setup begins 6:30 CT (7:30 ET)
Morning bumps!
I have read through a couple of these, will be reading the rest today and apping where interested later today when I get time after work. Thank you for all the interest. Looking to have a decision made by the end of tomorrow.
Sounds great! Good luck in your search for a home. Free bump! P.S. I saw you said you look into the guild b4 reaching out. Our logs are private until the end of each tier, but they are unlisted so we may be able to share some with you if you’re interested.
/wave Magemcnasty Apocolpytic on Zul’jin is currently recruiting for both Weekday (8/9M) and Weekend (6/9M) raid teams. We are a progression focused raiding guild that aims to get Cutting Edge each tier and looking for like minded individuals to join our ranks. As a guild, our goal is to push for server ranking and improve tier after tier. To achieve this goal we need the likes of you!
People We Are Looking For Are:
Team Players
Willing to Learn and Adapt
Progression Focused
Able to Take Initiative
Consistent Performance
Have Reliable Attendance
Recruitment Needs for Weekday:
Resto Shaman, Holy Pally, or Mistweaver Monk
Ranged DPS (Mage, Boomie, or Shadow Priest)
Melee DPS (DK)
Any and All Exceptional Players Are Considered and Encouraged to Join
Recruitment Needs for Weekend:
Shaman of Any Variety
Tank (Warrior, Monk, or DK ideal, but will accept any good fits)
Any and All Exceptional Players Are Considered and Encouraged to Join
Raid Times:
Weekday Team: Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday from 9:30pm EST to 12:30am EST
Weekend Team: Saturday/Sunday from 8:00pm EST to 12:00 EST
How the Guild Runs:
Both raid teams are ran by council-based leadership which allows for numerous opinions and different ranges of experience. Also allows for many voices to be introduced and different personalities to be represented.
Loot is done through RCLC to allow for the right pieces to go to the right people. At the end of the day, raiding is a group activity and we want to give the loot to the players who will benefit the raid the most.
Guild tolerates no drama. We understand that with numerous personalities and differences in opinions drama will arise, but we ask that people be understanding with each other.
Required addons for both raid teams are: Boss Timers, ERT, Damage Meters, and RCLootCouncil
With any progression focused guild, people will be asked to sit on the bench to either optimize our raid composition or rotate people in for gear on easier bosses. We ask that people be understanding that everyone will be benched at some point and that it isn’t anything personal, we just want to kill bosses like everyone else so we ask for everyone to be understanding.
Where To Apply:
We look at all applications submitted through our guild website linked below
Jordone#1898 (General Recruitment)
Mambo#11837 (Weekend Officer)
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need some more information.
I look forward to hearing from any and all future raiders
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read through our post and hope you take interest in our guild.
Also, check out some of the great guilds on my server (Turalyon)
https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/turalyon/Massacre+Scene who is always CE and an older guild. They were a transfer guild from Alterac Mountains. = ) Working on M Jaina atm.
https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/turalyon/Occasional+Excellence which has two raid teams atm (https://www.wowprogress.com/team/us/turalyon/raid-OE2 is the weekend team) and is well known for Shakib and Jdotb from the NA Method Team and MDI. They are also always CE. They actually just killed M Jaina yesterday.
We’re always looking to improve our realm status and the guilds on it. Hoping Astral gets a kill tonight. = / I was hoping to have 3 9/9M groups!
Power Gaming on Mal’ganis. We are currently 8/9M and recently had our main healer quit. We raid 9-12EST Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday which seem to be perfectly in line with what you are looking for. If you are interested in learning more you can add my btag at krutchs#1306
Hello! So you manage or I guess look over these few guilds? Like recruit for them? I followed up and saw the progression of a few of them. Pretty impressive with a couple guilds 9/9 (
I notice though you didn’t drop a bnet. Idk maybe intentionally? The couple I looked at didn’t seem to really need a MW specifically I think so I have some questions.
Salt Factory is a later evening guild located on Tichondrius - US, formerly known as Insomnia of Sargeras. Over the years, we've built a community of people who genuinely like playing together. We wanted to once again come together and create something for BFA. We believe in the mantra "raid smarter, not harder" and established a guild built upon that belief. While there are many of us that have raided at the higher echelons of the US raiding scene, we believe that rank means nothing without genuinely caring where you raid and who you surround yourself with. We place importance on the morale and atmosphere of the raid, and have endeavored to provide an environment that can be thoroughly enjoyed to its fullest while staying competitive.
While our raiding times or community may not be ideal for all, we're a guild with personality, that prides ourselves on our unique, and down-to-earth atmosphere. With each passing tier we strive to not only improve as individuals, but together as a team. Because we believe that teamwork is the most crucial building block of any successful guild.
What you can expect from us :
Guild leadership focused on not only progression but the overall health of the guild
Reliable and skilled players who share a common goal
A social atmosphere not commonly found in progression guilds
What we expect from you :
Ability to communicate clearly & efficiently
Ability to adapt quickly
Consistency & punctuality [showing up every night, and on time is a MUST].
Genuine commitment
Experience and the knowledge to play your class to its fullest!