Hello! I am the Guild Master of After the Rain on Lightbringer and we are looking for new raiders or people looking for a great guild environment! After the Rain is a casual Mythic Raiding Guild made up of many experienced raiders and looking for new members to join us as we head into the Shadowlands! In Ny’alotha, we pushed our progression to 4/12M. In Castle Nathria, we hope to improve that level of success and want to offer you the chance to be part of that! In addition to progression raiding, we run regular mythic+ among other events. Looking for players of all classes, roles, and skill. We raid Friday and Saturday nights.
If you have any interest in joining us, please respond here or whisper one of the officers in game for more details. I’m easy to find if I’m on as nearly all of my toons include “Petty” in the name. Otherwise just ask for an officer. We hope to hear from you soon!