Date Posted: 4/12/2019 Class: Rogue (412 Assassination/411 Outlaw Offspec) Faction:HORDE but would consider Alliance Cleared: 3/9M BoD, M Opulance to less than 10% and multiple pulls on M Rastakhan (done all 4 phases), previous exp 2/8M, 8/8H Uldir and 10/11M ABT Btag: Kurandren#1233 or Discord: Kurandren#7329 Availability: Thursday after 8PM CST. Friday-Sunday after 1PM CST. Flexible on the starting time during the weekend.
Current guild decided to stop raiding and searching for a new home. Looking to stay Horde but will consider Alliance for the right guild. If your guild is in Turalyon or Dalaran is a huge plus!
Prefer a Mythic guild with similar progression that loves to run M+ during the week. If you feel I can be a fit in your guild or have questions, please add me on BNet or send me a message via Discord.
Hi Kurandren! We could really use a rogue to help with our mythic push! We aren’t on one of the servers you mentioned but Proudmoore is still one of higher pop alliance spots. I will drop our guild info below, please add me if it sounds like somewhere you’d like to raid!
<Objectively Bad> Proudmoore-US
Progression: 9/9 Heroic 2/9 Mythic
Raid Times: 5:00-9:00PM PST Sat/Sun
Needed: All roles
Come join <Objectively Bad> and get your daily dose of mythics, memes, and gay! We are a laid-back group of mildly obnoxious friends that have been raiding together for a little over 8 years now, and believe that a casual schedule shouldn’t mean a lack of effort. We expect our raiders to know their class/spec and be reasonably familiar with log analysis. You can find our logs at We are a very diverse group, with many LGBT members, and tolerate no discrimination or personal attacks. We are also a very female-friendly environment, with a gender-balanced roster and plenty of female leadership.
We hang out a lot outside of WoW, including FFXIV, Overwatch, League, and many other games, as well as a fairly active Slack and Discord. We also gather at Blizzcon each year, with this year expected to see nearly 20 of us in Anaheim for the week!
If all of this sounds interesting to you feel free to hit me up either here or in game at Ender#1733 or on discord at Pugnodeum#4346.
It so happens we’re looking for someone like you to fill a vacancy for BoD, Saturday/Sunday nights 8-11 EST for 's weekend team. Guild is currently 9/9 H 3/9 M. Knowledgeable, vocal, mature but rowdy group of parse-monkeys, meme-heads and rabble-rousers that clear content with minimal downtime. Lead by a group of Mythic raiders, we’ll be pushing deep this tier and have many events, raid groups, and 1k - 1500+ IO Mythic+ groups running nightly.