412 Blood tank lf raiding guild

I have aotc and 1/8M killed, basically I want a raid guild that is in Ms
short and sweet add rintinsin#1738 for details/interest
I would like it if I could stay horde I have been horde since vanilla
any day or time works for me really

hey there Rintin! Check us out and if you have any interest reach out to me on bnet Moonpie#1732

Check out on Emerald Dream. We are a 25+ and over guild. Our wowprogress page was just updated.


Not sure if you checked for anything else on realm or not:


what is your battletag mine is rintinsin#1738

Hello! Sounds like you would fit in perfect with our group :smiley:

We raid Tues/Thurs 8-11 EST

Here is the usual spam with more info

Dont be afraid to reach out to me with questions or anything!

BNet: Gummyshark#11346
Discord: Gummyshark#5265 (Best way to reach me)

Best DK Tank EVER - Rin take me with you!!! ;p

awe jex how I have missed you

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Hi Rintinsinn, feel free to add me. Hott#1946