Hello hello, I’m currently LF a guild that does either heroic or mythic raiding. I haven’t progged through Abberus yet but In VotI, i was 3/8H and 8/8N. I need a better home, tried looking all over but there’s none i like. I don’t just raid but i do keys too and i play tank toons too which i play Prot Pally, Bear Druid and Brewmaster Monk alts. If there’s one i can join, hit me an reply
Heres my contacts
BNET: enragdshadow#1166
DISCORD: enragedshadow#2394
UPDATE #1: Got a raid team, thank you
If you like you could check out Thunder Struck we’re an AOTC guild and we do keys as well most of us go for KSM every season. We raid from 9 - 11PM EST Wed/Thurs and we’re currently building out our raid team for Season 2 We definitely have room for a tank, or dps which ever your most comfortable with. You can contact me in game Mabonhunts, or add my Btag Mabon#1445 If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Hey there, Im Kngs from and we are an AOTC guild dabbling into mythic raiding this expansion. We are in need currently of dps classes to fill out our roster. We raid Tuesday/Thursday from 8-11pm EST, with an alt group raiding on Wednesday nights. We are currently 9/9 N and 1/9 H. If you are interested add me in game @ Kngs#1668 or discord @ Kngx#4435
Hey there! Bold may be a good fit!
We raid Wed/Thur from 8:30PM to 11:30PM EST
Our team is focused on AOTC with the goal of moving in to casual Mythic. For that reason, the standards for our members are higher than most AOTC teams.
—Contact B-tag/Discord—
GM: Jäger#11356 / Staffeln#5835
Team Lead: VictoriaKins#1971 / Victoria#4954
Recruitment Officer: Stigas#1237 / Jonezen#9839
DPS Officer: Bitmatt2#1312 / Rock#0020
Hi Briantiaa - We are in need of DPS for our Season Two raid team! We have an awesome team formed and looking for others to join us. This is an opportunity to join a committed team that will grow with you into Dragonlight and beyond.
—Raid Times—
Friday: 8:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. EST
Saturday: 8:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. EST
Currently, we are 8/9 Normal in Aberrus and going in to work on Sarkareth this evening
We will be doing Normal for a little longer for gear and start to work on Heroic Bosses very soon.
Feel free to reach out to me on Discord: Devonellah#0195 to talk more! 
Click here to see our full recruitment post.
My guild is causal AOTC focused currently 7/9 normal from week 1. we raid tues/mon 830-1130 server you can add me if you want to talk. we also push keys on nights we dont raid. Not sure if we get into mythic but we are very accepting.