411 Ele Shaman LF Tues/Fri Mythic Guild

Hello! After taking a slightly long break due to a schedule change I am finally able to start raiding in mythic again!

My progress is 3/9M BoD; very early kills and 8/8M CE Uldir

Availability: Looking for 2 Day guild; Tues/Fri from 4PM PST- 830PM PST

Logs and raiderio available upon request but you can also look me up at Mêmes-Illidan if you are curious.

Shoot me an add on bnet or reply on here if you are interested on adding me to your roster @ Memez#11109

No need to leave Illidan! I see you’re willing on wowprogress :frowning:

Feel free to hop in with us! I’m not sure if tues/fri means only those days or between those days, if it’s the latter we’re the place for you! reach out if interested :slight_smile: