4/10M SoD ilvl 247 Warlock Looking for Raid Team

Never Lucky is a Mythic progression raiding guild on US-Magtheridon. Our raiders share a common vision: a skilled, progression raiding environment with a reasonable raiding schedule and relaxed atmosphere. We take raiding and progression seriously, but we refuse to lose sight of what’s truly important – having fun and maintaining balance.
Raid Info:
Raiding Days: Tuesday & Thursday
Raid Times: 8-11pm EST
Current Prog: 4/10M 10/10H SOD. P3 Soulrender

Man! You would fit in with our group. Lot of players from back in the day who looked for a casual environment, but loves to do hard content. And here we are! Best of both worlds my friend. I’m a former server first raider from wrath pushing into mythic content here in SL. Check the post and see if we can meet your needs. Could use some dps to fill out the roster, and I’m the only lock as of now…