Hey everyone! SALT ROOM [H, Arthas, US] is recruiting! We are 4/10M with solid prog on M Sun King. Lady went down in under 20 pulls on Thurs lol We are in need of:
- DK
- Boomie
- 1 Healer
- R Sham
- H Pal
(All exceptional players will still be considered!)
[Tues/Thurs 8-11pm Est.]
We also have an AOTC-team that takes a more casual approach to raiding who runs Sat/Sun 7-10pm est. They are on break until 9.1, but will hit the ground running as soon as content is ready!
We aim to have as much fun as possible while still progressing through content. We play all kinds of games including Among Us, Path of Exile, For the King, RuneScape, Digimon, DND, you name it lol It really helps to keep the guild active at times like this when Blizzard is dragging their feet with content. We also raid and do old achievement runs. For example, tonight we did the Nyalotha Raider achieves for the mount. Again, just to stay active and keep the group together.
We run keys 15+ and almost the whole team has KSM. That being said, we also accept all players of all game level and skill level with open arms! We have a few brand new players in guild and don’t mind helping or answering questions. Ultimately, we just love wow and gaming and are looking for more players to game with. I’m happy to answer any questions and hope you’ll join us! Thank you! - Annie, Recruitment Officer
Disclaimer: We are an 18+ guild as it gets a little wild at times…
Contact: Btag - AnnieMinaj#1591 , Discord - Thottonballs#9168