4/10M 250 Havoc Dh Lf raiding guild

Looking for raiding guild on frostmourne alliance, available most nights.
Previous CE experience, For logs search Kakkdh - Frostmourne
(Killed remnant on my spriest)
Bnet Billy#1399

Hello Kakkdh
Vismo are looking for more people to keep putting the toe in the water
Currently 5M and raid 2 nights 19:30 - 22:30 ST with the occasional Heroic on Sundays

[A] [Frostmourne] 5/10M - 2 Nights Looking for Tank, DPS and Healers - Recruitment / Oceanic Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

All the best!

Sent you an invite - might have what you’re looking for 5/10