410 Prot war lf weekend late night raiding guild

Have all tanks except druid at 120 and 400 plus ilvl and druid will be 120 soon previously have experience doing no life raiding top 100 in wow and higher in other games can’t do that anymore due to work. My current schedule makes it so raiding with standard schedule is a challenge.

Availability for raiding

Friday night to Sunday night 8pm - 10am cst
Feel free to add on Disc if there are questions or bnet

Bnet: Xath#1773
Disc: Xath#2592

Hello, we are recruiting:

Lint Roll My Carpet | Horde | Mal’Ganis

We raid Saturday and Sunday, 1-3 am CST


Guild Master: Fiege
BNET: Fiege#1567

up why is it so dang annoying to get a decent weapon on my monk gotten multiple on warrior :frowning:

Dk is also fun but really hoping prot stays good

While I am willing to go horde progression would need to be more than is currently puggable

zoomies 10 chars is dumb

Man I swear there used to be an actual weekend raiding scene working nights during the week sucks :frowning:

Gearing up rando tank alts is somewhat fun