Hey, I am a 221 (224 unequipped) Blood DK
currently I am 4/10 M with the 4th being Inerva
Which is odd since Inerva is usually the 5th or 6th raid boss killed but that’s just the way our guild decided to prog.
I am also 1726 raider IO score and have stopped pushing since I can’t find a push team.
My guild disbanded due to inconsistent roster and we have been struggling to recruit since our server is dead. Finally a breaking point was reached and the guild fell apart, we made it work for as long as we could with what we had.
During Mythic Prog I have yet to feel challenged on BDK, I am very good at my class and looking for a higher progressed guild than I am.
I definitely won’t disappoint and once I quickly learn the mechanics of the bosses I’ll be the last to die.
Guilds looking for tanks when they are already progressed is a rare thing since tanks rarely get replaced and I’m hoping I am just the tank you are looking for.
If you aren’t looking for a tank I also have an Elemental Shaman (Pair-Kel’thuzad) I recently started gearing which is Ilvl 218 right now. I have yet to get my best gear and have terrible trinkets but I still compete regardless, on my Ele Shaman I look to be top of the meters with the most focus on mechanics. I have a great understanding of the class and I truly believe I will be top of the meters if I acquire the needed gear.
I am down to either tank or dps, but I am the very best at tanking.
Overall I am looking for a guild that has a Cutting Edge mindset.
You must be very persuasive if you want me to faction change to alliance. I love horde too much.
Please post your guild info and discord contact info down in the comments because my discord isn’t receiving friend requests for some reason.