410 Ele/Resto Sham (A) LF Morning Raiding Team


I’m looking for a morning guild that needs strong players moving ahead into the next tier of raiding. Really only interested in alliance guilds.

Guilds that I will be interested in the most have a healthy number of players that enjoy and pursue mythic + , pvp , and doing transmog runs.

Prefer an empty dedicated spot in the raid team and I have the experience and willingness to earn it.

Raid Time Availablity PST
Mornings and/or Late Nights (+8AM - 5AM ||| After 9PM PST)

If you leave your contact information I’ll be happy to talk to you at length. Trying to keep this post to the point. Thank you for reading.

Why hello… we’re a little earlier than you want but we ARE an alliance morning team :stuck_out_tongue: Feel free to check us out!

Constant Insanity is a MORNING raiding guild based on Sargeras Alliance side with a goal of completing mythic content while it’s current. We are a relaxed group of adults and most of our raiders either work alpha shift or live overseas. We spend a lot of time pushing M+ keys together on off days and after raids and have a decent amount of people with high io scores. We also run pug raids multiple times per week and do achievements together.

Regarding recruiting, while we have a “wish list” of classes, a good player with a positive attitude is worth more than a specific class. If you are interested, feel free to look us up on discord or add to BNET even if you don’t see your class/spec listed below!


Current Crucible progression:

2/2H (AOTC week 1, haven’t tried mythic yet)

Current BoD progression:

Raid days:
Weds 8-11am CST
Thurs 8-11am CST

Current Needs
1-2 exceptional DPS (prefer ranged)
1 healer (priest/pally preferred)

Discord: kalanii#9911 (lowercase)
Bnet: Kalanii#1116

Still looking , bump

Hello, we are recruiting:

Lint Roll My Carpet | Horde | Mal’Ganis

We raid Saturday and Sunday, 1:00am-3:30am CST


Still looking bamp