just returning to the game basically since Antorus. a 410 balance druid and a 424 Blood dk looking for a heroic progression guild. Also have a new to wow monk friend who is leveling to 120 who wants to learn the game and raid when he’s ready.
If you want to look at logs my mage was Flopp for antorus and my boomkin was Flapflop.
The blood DK’s name is Paaine .
Hiya! Id love to chat with you, may I ask for your Discord? I represent a Heroic guild that always gets AotC ever since Wrath when we formed!
Hi there! We are currently recruiting a tank and dps for our heroic raiding group! Here is our recruitment info: Misdirect - 9/11H- LFM for 2 Day AotC Raiding and More! - #14 by Ellevated-stormrage
I can be reached via bnet: ElllohElll#1798
I would love to chat with you, our guild just transferred into Stormrage and would love to see if we are a good fit for you and your friends to call home.
My btag is juggernaut#1975.
My guild is 3/8H hope to hear from you soon. Contact me at Shade#1546. We currently have tanks filled but I would love to chat with you.
Add me so we can chat. We are 8/8H looking to push CE. 2 day raiding guild 8-12 central.
Hi Flapflop and Paaine, We happen to desperately need an off-tank and another healer for our raids. Also, your monk friend would be welcome to join our guild. “Unbroken Alliance” is a large casual progressive, that has many players age 50+, besides younger adults. The guild has been in existence for 10 yrs., and our GM had brought it over to Stormrage from a low pop. server. In EP we currently are N 7/8, H 1/8. Our raid days are: (prog.) T/W 8-10 pm and Sat/Sun 8-10 pm (GM’s choice- can be alt., achieve, or continuation of prog. run). We use Vent 3.08 (some guildies had problems w/ their systems when we used Discord or in-game chat, so we went back to Vent), food, flasks (if we have the mats), and repairs provided. We raid differently than most guilds in that we never bench (many of us are seniors, so dexterity and response times are slower) and we go w/ whomever is online that evening that can raid. Nothing is ever placed on guild calendar. GM gave up on posting there when no one ever signed up and would just show up for raids. Our GM loves doing Keys. She schedules them whenever she logs online, w/ whatever keys guildies get for the week. Can go up to 15. We don’t push the higher keys here, but everyone in the group stays to get the key done and get their chest. We also have our pet. mount, and transmog hounds. If we sound like the perfect home for both of you, just IM me in-game (recruitment officer) (alts-Aznaa, Janellewitch, Robinsmeow, Bixbite) for either more info/invite. Hope to have the both of you and your friend here!
Precordium Pumpers 8/8H 4/8M BoD: Cutting Edge transfer guild recruiting highly skilled raiders that want to push content on a 2 day- 8 hour schedule. Times: Tues/Wed 9-1 ST. Add Vendixon#11942 or myself Baldy#11109 for info!