I am looking for a late night guild to raid with and possibly do M+ with.
My time zone is PST and I work until 7pm and would need a Guild is is active after 7pm PST.
I have played since Vanilla on and off again. Most expansions just were not worth the time. With DF I have enjoyed the game quite a bit. My favorite part of WoW is raiding and pushing progression.
The last guild I was in had fallen apart after getting AOTC a few months ago and even though we were making progress on Mythic Terros we sadly couldn’t keep a raid team together.
Over all I am looking for the experience of raiding with players who do not mind wiping a few times to get further in the game.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
ID: JonLightî#1740