40k Bronze Unavailable to Normal Players

Theres some real discord mod energy in here…

Basically in that 30-60 minutes, you acquired and handed in a ton of Charms. I am guessing you were doing it for more than an hour, due to you, for the sake of this post not being able to recall if it was 30 or 60 minutes, which anyone would be able to tell the difference in those times.

I don’t expect an honest answer, but how many charms did you turn in after that “30 to 60” minute plow fest? I am guessing you had over 1000. You honestly can’t expect to not get flagged.

The ones who farmed to excess did, yes. But it seems the threshold for the system to reduce your cloak was barely in the double digits of frog kills. If you spent some time in the frog area farming elite kills for the shao rep quest or waiting for the rare frog to spawn you also got hit.

If anything this doesn’t deter “exploit early exploit often” but instead enforces it. If you exploit, make sure you do so so deeply and so thoroughly that no feasible repercussions can make it not worth your while.

I’m lucky I didn’t have a character levelled until after the frogs were changed, I spend most of my downtime between queues aimlessly running around timeless isle tagging stuff now that I’ve done every quest and other achievement. I’d almost certainly have been caught in the wave just from that.

It’s not. If you took part in it PERIOD, you are excluded.

My cloak didn’t get touched and I killed like 100 frogs for the “kill elite mobs” dailies and don’t have access to the quest. Like wtf I already got punished for hitting 70 early as I didn’t get an of the xp threads from lfr, and I didn’t get the increased bronze from the caches because I already had all the major ones done. I just wanted the cosmetic stuff from this event but now I barely even want to play anymore because I keep getting cucked by Blizzard

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its a yummy hotfix!

Lol you realize froggers got significantly more bronze than that? this is literally a consolation prize for whining so loudly

I see now why you have 11k posts. You really like to talk in circles and feel like you’re still saying something important. Despite the fact that you repeat the same thing like a dog puking, eating it, and then puking over and over and over.

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The lesson I’m learning is that I should, in fact, exploit early & often, because those who ACTUALLY farmed frogs get to keep all of their important gains, and people who casually looked at frogs are getting hit for their sins.

It’s just like in real life, really. If you’re being prosecuted, your crime isn’t big enough.

In my experience, chronic frequent posters are psychopaths who play PvP in the forums.


Yeah I could have been part of that too because that is where I normally go for that 50 stone quest. I actually went to that location to do it but one guy was there farming and I hate competing for mobs so I turned around and just left to do it later and I didn’t come back until after they nerfed. If it was dropping a lot of threads I would have stayed and farmed a bit though because I have no idea of what is intentional or not in this game.


I’m not sure the icon shows up on the mini-map and not even sure the quest icon shows up at all timeless bazaar locations.

I can confirm that I talked to the NPC in the Shrine of the Seven Stars in Vale of Eternal Blossoms. The NPC is named Momentus.
He has a unique looking quest icon over his head for receiving the bronze rewards.

I hope you can get those rewards.

You cheated and because of that don’t get the bonus. I don’t get what the post is about. Crying because you cheated and don’t get the bonus?

Still not able to see the quests, have a ticket in waiting to hear back

Sounds like you grinded frogs for a bit and then didn’t do much of anything else. Now you’re mad. Just play the game mode.

Not sure if anyone seriously answered the last bit, since it seems like a lot of people going “get rekt”, but, yes.

Alts levelled to 70 get access to the quests and the 40k bronze. The only things impacted were character specific for those toons that were flagged by the system. Anything else you make is fine.

My rogue and shaman just hit 70 yesterday, as well as my warlock which was already levelled, all got the free 40k consolation bronze which I put towards transmogs and gearing the rogue.

So you farmed frogs and are mad you didn’t get a reward that was for people who DIDN’T farm frogs? Alrighty then.


I dont get why people on here attack frog farmers. I mean people saw that frog farming was only sane method to get better gear with abnormal cost upgrades, than they saw other people being too op and flocked to do the same, 2x4 farms are every day thing on retail. If you are looking for someome to blame point finger at Blizz incompetence.

Apart from frogs, look at how horrible this mode was menaged, you coldnt get enough bronze for almost anything if u played the normal way, Meta Achiev bronze was hotfix applied late that people who did it before got nothing. Scailing was insanely bad and still is. Promised alt XP is a lie. And all Blizz still does is chasing farmers and nerfing farms, at this point they could just remove hyper spawn and adress other issues.

I myself farmed frogs for about an hour, it was attrocheus as 50 groups were doing it, so most mobs were grey, and i didnt recieve that much from this farm to be overpowered. I get the nerfs to overly insane players, but what is up with the nerfs with anyone who tuched the frog? Im still doing average dmg in raids and have same hp everyone else does on my ilvl.

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Say it slowly with me: Killing - Creatures - is - not - cheating.

It’s literally the core gameplay of world of Warcraft.

Same here, I did maybe 20 minute for a grand total of 10k bronze. I bought a mount. Apparently that “distorted the gameplay experience for other players”. This is the most bonkers decision I’ve ever seen blizz make. I’m now effectively 3 days of bronze behind because I checked out a lucrative farming spot that blizzard put in the game 12 years ago.