40k Bronze Unavailable to Normal Players

Clearly the threshold for who gets the 40k bronze quest and who didn’t is FAR too harsh.

I farmed frogs for somewhere between 30-60 minutes Saturday night before I stopped. Killed a few hundred, maybe? My character only passed 400k health as a warrior two days ago. I have 5.5k stamina on my cloak right now, it was never nerfed because I’m not anything CLOSE to OP. ‘Frog farmers’ got NERFED to 25k stamina… My power level was no different than anyone else. I have played every day, too. And do my alts also not have access to it if I choose to level more to 70?!

This is ridiculous.


Im pretty sure the restriction was for players who farmed frogs…

I am guessing its a character thing, your alts might not be restricted… but again im just guessing


The restriction was for who those who “received an extreme advantage” by killing an “unreasonably large number of Gulp Frog kills”.

Verbatim from the blue post. But thanks for your input.


Unfortunately the amount you killed seems to fit their definition of “unreasonably large number of Gulp Frog kills”. Although they never actually said what that number is.
50 frogs? 500 frogs?


I got 40K quest few mins ago and bought the Son of Galleon. He avoided me for so long…now he’s mine!


I got my 40k bronze, didn’t touch a single frog. :smiley:


This is already an extreme amount. They hyperspawn and you probably did them in a group.

No, normal players did not cheat by exploiting frogs.


that is not an extreme amount, people farmed it for 3 days, you’re making equivalencies where there are none.

get a grip


Yes it is. In that amount of time you would’ve killed hundreds of frogs. That is absolutely an extreme amount. And just because other people cheated worse than you did doesn’t absolve you of all guilt. That’s not how any of that works.

Yes, it was.

Doesn’t matter, cheating is cheating.

Yes, it is.

Next time, when people say “exploit early, exploit often”, maybe remember this lesson and refrain from exploiting.


It’s for people who didn’t farm frogs, as I understand it.


You farmed frogs? But now you are behind? Sucks to suck my guy… wish I could care but I cant


Yet here you post.

I am not in favor of rollbacks but instead proposed everyone be buffed up to frogger levels.

It seems Blizzard used a sledgehammer instead of a time consuming scalpel when considering who is not eligible for the 40k bronze leveling quests.


hundreds of frogs does not equate to over 40k advantage, youre being absurd because you feel like you have some power lording over people who clearly did not exploit early exploit often.

again, get a grip


Apparently Blizzard thinks it is an extreme amount. It doesn’t matter what you think the definition of extreme it. doesn’t matter if the OP thinks their 5000 stamina isn’t overpowered. Blizzard does. Now excuse me while my non-frog killing self spends the 40k i get on each of my alts buying the mounts I don’t have.


it seems if you had over 25k stam or over 2500 in any other stat they normalized it to that rofl this event went from bad to worse

Good! About time! Maybe in the future people will learn from this example and realize if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Those of us with common sense said “Nope, not touching that”


It doesn’t matter what the exact amount of gain from the frogs is. The fact is that you exploited frogs and snowballed your frog advantage into a bigger advantages. You cheated and you are now being put on an even playing field with everyone else.

No, you’re being dismissive because you wanted to get away with having a huge advantage over others through illegitimate means.

Deal with the consequences of your actions.


im kinda in the same boat farm for 45 mins top got a total of 560ish charms before nerf. My stats werent crazy so I didnt get a cloak reset and dont get the quest so basically a dead toon.


youre clearly some nobody who lives for forum pvp. you have no power, take a hike.