40k Bronze Unavailable to Normal Players

You’re right, I don’t. However, Blizzard does and they agree with me and nerfed your cloak.


I didn’t farm frogs at all but I did not have the quest available to me. I do not know the criteria involved to be blocked from these quests(whether it be other farms or not, I didn’t do any other ones). But I will check again.

The only other thing I can think of is that it’s overly strict in regards to what flags you.

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It will show up as a purple triangle in the jade forest on the map if it’s up.


So it seemed like my stats got hit, although my stam isnt at 25k and my haste/leech didnt get bumped up to 2500 like the rest got set to. Can blizz bump these numbers up to match their blue post or give me the bronze?

Uh oh. I did 0 of the infamous farming but have no lifed this mode because my brain is broken and I feel the unnecessary need to try to obtain all the exclusive cosmetics as fast as my health allows it. I’ve been doing 25+ dailies and am burning out pretty fast.

Time to log into the game and see if I’m eligible.

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lmfao the jokes write themselves


Anybody who has played WoW for longer than 2 months would know that killing a few hundred of one common mob is not ‘unreasonable.’ There are toy/mount/pet farms that require thousands of kills.

Also, we all know the frog farmers spent hours killing thousands. That’s why their cloaks had to be nerfed.

Please don’t be obtuse.


The amount of delusion people like you have to have to construct the statement “blizzard agrees with me” over something you had no power or say in. This has to be a result of being so insignificant outside of these forums you just long for some sort of validation. Can’t wait to read your manifesto in a few years.


Yeah I think they’ve just wrongly flagged some people, I didn’t farm frogs I just did a lot of raids and quests and stuff prior to cataclysm coming out, my cloak didn’t get reset or touched in any way and I’m not able to see the quests

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You cheat you get punished maybe dont cheat next time.


They do. I consider a few hundred frogs to be extreme. I think the advantages people accrued through changing should be reverted.

And what did Blizzard do? They made it so that people that killed hundreds of frogs had their cloaks reverted. And what does this mean? That they agree with me. This isn’t difficult to follow.

Right, so how many frogs did you kill?


man you worded that perfectly

To be fair, it’s not cheating. Even the frogboys who killed 5,000+ didn’t cheat. If it were cheating, people would have been banned.

Sorry i can’t hear your complaints over the sound of the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent i just spent 38k on from not farming frogs.


its not tough to just level new guys to 70 and get the same thing. you gloating here is abnormal social behavior


let’s not call them ‘normal players’. let’s go with ‘uninspired and unmotivated average skill players’.

I quit the game mode BECAUSE of frog farming. I know you need conflict to get a little blood moving but I’m not here to validate nobodies. Keep being you bud.

I’m sorry? Did you say something because my 2 alts just spent their 38k on mounts too.


You are clearly uninformed. No one cheated. “Frog Farming” was present in Legit MOP and has been for the last 12 years.

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Sure you did, and you just loiter around the game forums of a game that you quit?

Sure Jan, sure.