I was in a guild on Tichondrius that was newly formed and doing well through Heroic BoD up until Mythic Grong. We struggled for a raid night or two and the guild completely fell apart until there was literally 0 people online except for me for a couple of days.
Ideally i would be on for raids starting no earlier than 8:00pm central time any night.
Please let me know if you are interested - Laquenna#1597
Nocturnal> Is a late HORDE night guild that has been raiding since Ulduar, is currently recruiting experienced and perspective raiders to help rebuild and fill out our roster.
Type: Semi-hardcore progression
Progression: 3/8M Uid
9/9N 9/9H BoD
Legion Raid Progression:
7/7 Mythic Emerald Nightmare: Mythic Cutting Edge
3/3 Heroic Trial of Valor: Ahead of the Curve
5/10 Mythic Nighthold
4/9 Mythic Tomb of Sargeras
9/11 Mythic Antorus, the Burning Throne
Looking for:
Resto Shammy
Holy paladin
Resto Druid
Arms/ Fury Warrior
Be on time
Have Discord for voice communication
Have installed the required add-ons
Prepare for raids outside of raid times (repairs, food, flasks, potions etc.)
Know your class and raid mechanics outside of raid times