Hello as the title states, I’m looking for a raid team to continue to kill mythic bosses.
I have a lot of previous mythic raid exp with some past CE as well.
Currently my schedule will only allow me to raid a max of 2 days and i am unavailable on thursdays. I’d also prefer to avoid scheduled raids on weekends.
Add me on discord is my best form of contact Raz#4836
8/8H 3/8M should be 4/8 tonight raid times T/W 830pm est to 12am add my discord if you like ND#0891
Looking for options to finish this week
Still looking at options for the upcoming week
Hey I just reformed a guild from some members of my pats guild that died out, multiple 8/8H players if you’re interested we could use you. We are on Thrall and raid 1 night a week so it would work with your schedule if you could make 7-10 EST on Tuesday.
I’d be interested in talking more if you add me on discord
Have a few options lined up but still willing to talk
only listed a 1/8m cause we had someone drop during council