I am looking for a guild to raid and dungeon with. My RIO is about 2300. I am in college so likely cannot make a consistent raid night, but I definitely want to do some mythic raiding. I do have some free time so afternoons I can very likely make consistently. Thanks!
Add me on Discord (TeeBaggins#9585), my guild raids tuesday 6:30-10:30CST.
We’d take you in if you’re still looking for guild, we need a Pevoker.
Area-52 is small, but dedicated to fill a solid roster for raid, planning on getting aotc then mythic. Led by a third week aotc and 2/8M leadership
raidtimes are Tue/Thr 8pm to 11 est.
add on discord for more : TAL#3021
Hey there. Day Raiders is raiding Wednesday and Thursday morning 8-11 AM EST. Just got aotc last week. Looking for healers.
Discord Ryaden#5511
Heyo, we raid Tues/Wed at 8:30PM EST until 12AM est, and run keys a lot. We could use a pres evoker. If you can’t be consistent, you’d likely be coming in off the bench on nights when we need you, but if you’re looking for a chill group to sometimes raid with, okay being a bench player, and a fun group for keys / alt raid nights then hit us up. I think you’d be a solid bench player for us, and if your situation ever changed you could transition into a perm role. check out our post and if you think it’d be a good mutual fit hit us up.