408 hunter OR 413 lock LF raiding guild

Will keep this short

as title says im a 408 hunter/413 lock looking for a guild, ive been raiding since 2008, looking for something AOTC focused but also looking to push into mythic raiding as well.

I’m fine with starting casual and working my way up, im open most times and days i’ll let you know if I cant make yours.

leave your info and ill get to you asap.

is recruiting we are a casual aotc focused guild that raids Thurs and Sun from 8-11 eastern and run keys throughout the week. Currently we are 8 of 9 after the first week but should have normal cleared out and get started on heroic this coming week. If you interested and the days work for you message me on discord lostmoonofpoosh#1948 or in game Green#1420.

[H] <The Knights Who Say Nì> 8/8H, 8/8N on Zul’jin is a semi-casual, close knit mythic plus and raiding guild looking to add a few more skilled players to our roster to fill out our raids and mythic plus runs! Accepting all roles, ESPECIALLY tanks and dps - message on Discord or Bnet to discuss what we are looking for in the present.

We set out to see how far we could go in Heroic raid last tier and were able to get AOTC after a few weeks of hard pushing and working together to figure out our best comp strategy. We will not be doing Mythic raid progression at this time, but plan on trying to do 2/8M if we have the appropriate raider numbers.

We are very easy-going and friendly, and it is a requirement that all new recruits have the same mindset as we do not tolerate toxicity or elitism in our guild. We are a small to medium size guild, and mostly grow through word of mouth so we have high quality people that play well but without the toxic parts progression.

Raid nights are Tuesday, Sunday, forming at 6:30 PM EST until 9pm. We run keys every day and scatter fun events in throughout the month.

If you are looking for a new home with good people and have a good head on your shoulders, come give us a try!

Best Contacts:
GM: GinsAdos#1727 (bnet) // Gins#1561(Discord)
Officer: Bang#1770
Message on Bnet if you’d like to chat! **Please include a link to your raider io and armory so we can take a look at your toon! :slight_smile: **

bumping it up

Morning bump

Hello there! Here is our info, we could use a lock as well. If we look like a good fit, let me know:


Unbound Eternals is growing!

We are a relaxed, goal-oriented group that loves to progress as far as we can while still preserving the spirit of fun. We are looking to get into some Mythic this patch!

Experience: 8/9N

We are an active home for:

  • Mythic Key Pushers
  • Arena Pushers
  • RBG Teams
  • Casual pet/Mount Collectors
  • Crafting Enthusiasts

We are a mostly 21+ group (a few outliers) that realize this is a game to have fun and down some bosses and bust up some battlegrounds.

Our current schedule for 10.1 is:

  • Weds/Thurs 7pm-9pm cst (server time)

High need for:
1 heals (prevoker preffered)
1 DH
1 Warrior
1 ENH Shaman

We also do fun alt, xmog, and achievement runs throughout the week and weekend.

Contact via Discord

Allegrata: Allegrata#5270

Stupiddart: SthrnRebel#7123

Dingo: RatedD4Dingo#3373

Callmealice: Quora#1337


I’m an officer of a casual AotC guild that is looking for more skilled ranged DPS! We raid Wednesdays and Mondays 8:30-11pm ET. We’re currently 8/9 Normal and planning to get into Heroic very soon. We’re a bunch of players that have a great sense of humor and take pride in providing a sense of belonging, allowing new players to feel welcome very quickly.

If you’d like to discuss raid with us, please feel free to contact me via Discord: Sweetsour#2703

Have a great day!

Hi! on Illidan is recruiting. We are a guild of good people who happen to be good players. We are raiders with mythic and AOTC experience. We are newly formed 9/9 normal and most of us are 2/9 heroic. Our goal this tier is AOTC and pushing Mythic in a non-toxic environment as well as pushing m+ keys. We raid Friday and Saturday 8pm EST to 1030pm EST. If you are interested my bnet is Kippo#1334 discord Kippo#2813.


We are on Area 52 and raid Tue & Thu from 8p-11p EST. 9/9N, 4/9H AotC/Early Mythic guild. Below is our spam, if you’re interested in chatting add me on Discord: Jaystir#1204

Welcome, Here you can find information about our guild, roster, players, events, logs on [Guilds of WoW Web] and much more…

Horde US Area52

Raid Times/Days: Tuesday/Wednesday 8:30 p.m to 11:30 p.m. EST ( PST 5:30-8:30pm, CST 7:30-10:30pm)

Current Progression: 8/8 N 8/8H Voti, Aberrus 8/9 NM 1/9 H

Recruitment Contacts: Mooney#12761 Btag, Mooney#4629 Disc

Requirements: Only raid-ready players with logs that meet the minimum ilvl requirement of 400

About Us:
Some of us are close buddies who have come here to enjoy the game and kill monsters for fun. We’re here to enjoy the new and old content & to down bosses. We are a small guild searching for raiders that can help us build a strong raid squad, obtain AOTC before the season is up, and begin making preparations for what comes ahead. We want to advance, but we need the bodies to do so! When we couldn’t find a guild that could accommodate our schedules, we gathered a group of friends to start our own squad in 2022, late in the Dragonflight season 1.

We do, however, have some expectations:
Must always strive to improve and move forward, were looking for people to flow with the content rather than fall behind. Be on time, respectful, and willing to learn.
We enjoy making jokes in between pulls and being amusing during boss fights, but when we prog, we frequently take things seriously.

Raid Attendance- We are aware that family and everyday events occur. In the end, we all play to participate in this game, therefore we ask that you do your best to attend raids out of respect for the other players. To let us know when you will be gone.

Our raid team’s current top priorities
Flex tank - Someone who will predominantly dps but is willing to switch to the tank position when necessary.

Mage: Any
Druid: Balance/Feral/Resto
Shaman: Enhancement/ (ele is ok but prefer enhance)
Priest: Any (prefer Shadow)
Monk: Mistweaver/Windwalker
DK: Frost/Unholy
DH: Havok
Warlock Any

Be optimistic-
Be diligent and open to learning at all times. Everyone makes errors. Learning from that is the best thing you can do. While making progress, we also want to enjoy ourselves.

If you choose to join us, please keep in mind that this is an 18+ guild. We take ourselves seriously, but we do joke around a lot so be mindful of that.

Hey there! Bold may be a good fit!

We raid Wed/Thur from 8:30PM to 11:30PM EST

Our team is focused on AOTC with the goal of moving in to casual Mythic. For that reason, the standards for our members are higher than most AOTC teams.

—Contact B-tag/Discord—

GM: Jäger#11356 / Staffeln#5835

Team Lead: VictoriaKins#1971 / Victoria#4954

Recruitment Officer: Stigas#1237 / Jonezen#9839

DPS Officer: Bitmatt2#1312 / Rock#0020

Heya Rof!


  • A new rebuild guild called Causally Epic on Illidan
  • Open for DPS and Healers for raiding and M+
  • Raids M/W 7:30-9:30 PM CDT; M+ 2-20s KSM & AOTC every season before we moved over to Illidan more active in the evenings.

If you want the full details, check out [H]<Casually Epic> Mon/ Wes 7:30- 9:30 CST

:phone: Discord HeatherB#2337