407 HPal & 407 Outlaw/assass rogue LF Mythic Guild

Evolve is a horde guild on Area 52. The guild itself has been around for a while but took a break from raiding due to most of getting older and starting families etc. We’re back now and raiding at a much more relaxed pace and schedule. Tues/Weds. We are more than just a raid team. We consider ourselves a family and strive to keep a tight bond and friendships. We value personality and good attitudes just as much if not more than peoples self perceived skills at pushing buttons. Outside of raids we enjoy running keys together, rbgs, achievements, and we love to do non wow related things like cards against humanity and outside games together as well. We are currently 9/9H and 2/9M. We believe good progression doesn’t have to come at the expense of our real lives or by being jerks to one another. If we sound like a place for you we’d live to talk. Here’s a link to our thread for more info. Good luck and happy gaming


Hey guys add me on bnet Charlie#13641.

Meters Over Everything are newly formed guild looking to recruit the following classes and roles; Raid times are 8:30-1130PM EST Tueday/Friday.

Shadow Priest
Ret Paladin
Boomkin, Resto Druid
Shaman Dps/Resto Shaman
Mage Any specs
Demon Hunter
Monk Any

If you have strong situational awareness, know your class , and enjoy raiding in a friendly environment, then we might be the place for you! Feel free to contact Dojawar (djcipher#1336), Charlie (Charlie#13641 or Discord Snap#6504).

About us:
Meters over Everything started with a group of IRL friends looking to extend our group through WoW. MOE guild members treat each other with respect, and in doing so, earn it. Starting from the raid leader down to casual members, you can expect a respectful, fun, and collected demeanor environment at all times. If you are the type of person to link meters and rage at your team members during progression, M+, or any other then this guild is NOT for you. If you thrive with a bit of constructive criticism and understand that raiding takes a whole team, not just one elite team member, then we want YOU. We are very lenient with attendance, if you can show up to raid great if you can’t, that’s fine. At the end of the day this is just a game and we just want to have fun. If you decide you want to raid, we expect you to come prepare with consumables, boss encounter knowledge, etc. If we feel you’re not putting in enough effort, officers, raiders, anyone will be benched. We want to have fun but at the same time keep the competitive edge with us at all times, no one will be getting carried through current progression.

Current Guild progression with new roster began 2/7/19, currently have completed 1/9M 8/9H 9/9N. We will be looking to clear this tier on heroic and aim to down some bosses in Mythic difficulty before next tier release.

During none raiding nights, we do M+ keys, islands, alt runs, our members will be more than happy to help out with gearing. We also welcome anyone who would like to join as a casual and participate in M+, islands, alt runs.

If this sounds like the type of environment you would like to be part of add us and send us a message.

I would be super interested in chatting with you both!

<The Awakening>
Tues/Weds/Thur 8:00-10:30 (CST)

BoD - 3/9 (M) - 9/9 (H) - 9/9 (N)
Uldir - 5/8 (M) - 8/8 (H) - 8/8 (N)

<The Awakening> is a progressively active raiding guild on Hellscream/Zangarmarsh.
We are currently one of the top guilds on the server with plenty of experienced players.

Please Contact us on Discord:



Kushed Gery#7144


Hey! Since you’re open to alliance, I’d love to chat more if you’re interested! We have a spot available for both of you! We are hosting a heroic run this Sunday for potential recruits if you’re interested.

I’ll put in the cliff notes, please reach out if you’d like to hear more :slight_smile:

  • 3/9M BoD – so close to killing Opulence I can taste it
  • Previous Tiers: 8/8M Uldir CE, 11/11M Antorus CE
  • Tuesday, Wednesday & Sunday: 6:30pm - 10:00pm MST (8:30pm-12am EST)
  • Hit us up on Bnet: Mehan#1804 (Me) or Xansten#1241

Spots available for both, if you guys both pass trial

< Range Five > [H] Zul’jin - 3/9 M 9/9H SoD is looking for exceptional raiders to continue our Mythic Progression!

< Range Five > provides a great raid atmosphere that values performance and teamwork so that we can have steady progression towards Cutting Edge. We are laid back during farm and trash, but are serious for progression.

Raid times:

Friday 8:30PM -12PM EST
Saturday 8:30PM - 12PM EST

Recruitment Needs:
These are listed in order of priority from high to low.
Tank: Lf non monk tank
Melee: Open (except Demonhunter)
Ranged. Open (except Hunter)
Healer: Paladin, Shaman, Priest (Disc), Monk

Regardless of whether or not your class is listed above we are always welcoming of exceptional players!

What we expect:

  • Reliability. We expect you to show up on time and be prepared for raid.
  • Commitment towards the guild and progression.
  • Understand that we want to down bosses and have fun doing it. There may be some friendly banter, but it is all good fun.

Contact Info:
Feel free to contact any of our officers below.

  • Cross#12398

[H] < Tinder > 3/9M
Server: Emerald Dream
Times: T/W 6:30-10:00CST

We do trials in HBoD Thursday 6:30-10:00 CST.

We’d like to have you, and if you’re interested Btag and whisper me. I’ll get you an invite to our guild’s trial community!