407 H pally LF guild

7/9 H 1/9 M H pally looking for a guild that raids 10 pm server or later my battletag is muffintop#1986 if you have any questions hmu

9/9N & 6/9H Age 25+ AotC meta achieve team. T/Th 11pm-2am EST. We occationally do mythic bosses here and there, but we are not a mythic progression guild. LF more folks for M+ runs too.

We are multi gaming group. Destiny 2, ANTHEM, ESO, Division 2, and more.

Btag = Armageddon#1974
Discord = Skybolt#2791


My name is Sin and I am a member of Toast. We raid Tues Wed and Thurs 8pm to 11pm EST and are currently 9/9 H and 3/9 M and are working towards pushing to CE. We are looking for skilled players to round out our roster and push the content. If you are interested in discussing or have questions about our team and operations I would as that you add any of the following Battle Tags or Discord Information and message a member of the team.

Flockofdegls#1958 Disc: FlockOfDeagles#9717
Sinalthor#1324 Disc: Sin#9002