406 Rogue and 404 Mage looking for 8.2 mythic raiding guild

Hi recently had problems with my last guild looking for a mythic raiding guild. Heartfiia stormrage and sawaya stormrage for logs. Sort of recent returning players but if given the chance I know we can prove ourselves. Liasz#1246 for battlenet

Twisted Epoch is a raiding/mythic+ guild on Thrall - US. We tend to label ourselves as having experienced leaders, being friendly, and having excellent WoW skills; we also like to lie to ourselves. We want to build and grow to a team that can function at a semi-competent level while only pretending to hate each other this expansion and could use a few more like-minded individuals to join our ranks. Our Raid Council and current members are hardened and grizzled individuals from their countless conquests of mythic bosses and liberal use of curse words. We joined together to enjoy ourselves and to experience WoW content as it comes to us. This is an adult guild and at the end of the day respect and maturity is needed. We don’t take ourselves too seriously but our plan is always to push each other and ourselves.

Raiding Goals - We are an AotC guild that intends to experience Mythic raid content at a casual progression rate.

Raid Council - We are currently rolling with a multiple person raid Council ensure adequate checks and balances in decision making as well as spreading out the work since we want people to at least think we have lives. Requirements -Discord, knowledge of your class, willingness to learn, desire to improve and a sense of humor. At the end of the night, it is a game and our ultimate goal is always to have fun. Struggling to learn new content is acceptable, raging because of it is not. This is an adult guild and all members are expected to act as such (except on Saturday night when everyone is drunk and stupid). If you have any questions or would like an invite please shoot one of these fools a message: GirthPirate#1136/Cyrexus#1300 for battle.net and GirthPirate#9089/Sinful#3395 on discord
scootZ#12320 Bnet or scootZ#0282 on Disc
Recruitment- At this time we are looking for all healers along with a mix of ranged and melee dps and one tank.
Raid times are Tuesday & Wednesday 9:00 PM to 11:30 PM EST.



Tabbed Out - Bleeding Hollow Horde (PvP server, EST)

Times: Wed/Thurs/Sun 8:30pm-12 EST

Apply Here: https://bit.ly/2WTFp2V


9/9M BoD, Cutting Edge US 261 WCL, 316 wowprog

8/8 Mythic Uldir, Cutting Edge Obtained

TO has a long history of gaming going back all the way back to Everquest. This guild has definitely stood the test of time and has had a long and successful raiding career in WoW. For any questions regarding progression in older tiers we’d be happy to speak with you in game!


To be recruited you must fill out our application. If we like what we see you will have a brief discord interview so we can get to know you. Apply and read our guild charter here:



Demon hunter - Havoc
Druid - Boomkin
Monk - WW
Paladin - Holy
Priest - Disc & Shadow
Shaman - Ele
Warrior - Fury

Any/all exceptional DPS applicants welcome!

We require an azerite neck level of 36 by start of mythic week.

Guild Atmosphere:

  • We encourage the use of peoples’ real names and we encourage our members to get to know one another as more than just pixels, to get to know one another on more personal levels.

  • The leaders of this guild believe that a guild that is socially close is much more likely to succeed than a group of hired mercenaries.

  • We are an adult guild and we make adult jokes and mess with each other, if you are sensitive and cannot handle this, TO is probably not the place for you.

  • We run alt raids on off nights, as well as Mythic +

  • We utilize Discord as well


Guild Leader

Darkranger battletag Genghis352#1259


Smesus - Sales/Recruitment Lead - Sme#11814, Discord - Smesus#4820

Evilmon - Raid Leader/Ranged Officer

Sikwit - Senior Officer