406 Resto Shaman LF mythic raiding - Barthilas

hi, exp player looking for mythic focused guild on barthilas can raid any nights from 6-11 pm

We’re not on Barthilas but we are an Aussie guild focused on Mythic and we’re within your raid times.

Flavour Town 9/9H 1/9M - Raid Times: Wednesday, Sunday and Monday 7-10pm Server Time.

Hit me up if you’re interested.

Bnet: DarkLlama#1253

This is me and we are on Saurfang - Horde Side

Hey man we are on barthilas - horde, Currently 1/9M and 9/9H and downing Grong asap (really need a healer). If you are keen let me know Schnoz#11443 or Brady#12229

Hi Buddy, 6/9M on barth working on Mekka (close now), we raid wed/thurs/mon 8-11pm st send me a tell for a chat- demonz#1211

Resurgence, Horde, Barth.
We are 9/9H, 1/9M.
We are looking for dedicated raiders to keep the progression moving forward.
We raid wed, thurs and Sun : 6.45pm till 10pm SVT
BTAG Evilc#1288

Hey mate grim#14825 looking for a Rsham if ya interested we raid weds and sun from 9pm - 11:30pm svt

Hey mate if ya need a home hit me up love taking in people and making friends along the way

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I Joined this guild very recently and its very lively and friendly , i have made some new decent friends from it.
Tested on Animals is currently looking for reliable raiders for Mythic BoD prog, currently 9/9N 8/9 H 1/9 M. Wanting to down Grong asap! Raid times: Wed/ Sun/ Mon 7:30-10:00pm Barthilas server time