Hey there I think we may have what you are looking for. Feel free to reach out if you have questions and please send us an app if you are interested in the Heroic group or just want a place to hang and meet new people.
Tribe @ Burning Legion - US
Tribe, formerly known as Tribe of the Ascended, was created in 2012 and has grown into a large guild filled with players of many different types. We are always looking for people that want to do competitive Mythic progression, casual Heroic raiding, Mythic+ dungeons, PvP, or just be a part of our community that spans many games.
Our Mythic team pushes itself to try and achieve Cutting Edge progression in a short 7-hour raid week and has consistently improved since 20-man raiding was introduced. As such, we have high expectations of our raiders’ performance. However, we understand the importance of having fun and treating WoW as a game, especially during progression.
Our Heroic team is a separate group where you can enjoy the new content without the stress of pushing for Cutting Edge. This team focuses on teamwork and skill building with the goal of achieving AotC each tier.
Beyond our organized teams, we have plenty more going on in guild including weekend fun runs, daily M+ at varying levels, casual arenas and battlegrounds. We used to have RBG nights as well and are open to restarting them with enough interest. We also play a variety of other games together, and many guildies who no longer play WoW are still active in Discord and on other games.
I. Schedule
- Mythic Team: Tuesday/Thursday 7:30pm - 11pm CST (server)
- Heroic Team: Wednesday 7pm - 10pm CST
- Sunday Funday: Occasional fun guild event that could be basically anything. This includes Mythic mount runs, transmog clears, achievement raids, or something completely different!
II. Progression
- 6/8 Mythic Eternal Palace
- 2/2 Heroic Crucible of Storms
- 9/9 Mythic Battle of Dazar’alor (US 290)
- 8/8 Mythic Uldir (US 462)
- Legion: 7/7M EN, 3/3M ToV, 9/10M NH, 7/9M ToS, 10/11M ABT
- Warlords: 4/7M HM, 7/10M BRF, 3/13M HFC (took a break)
- Pandaria 10-man: 6/6N MSV, 6/6N HoF, 4/4N ToES, 3/13H ToT, 14/14H SoO
III. Expectations
If you’re interested in joining us in any form, you should:
- Be respectful of all players in and outside the guild
- Have a positive attitude and team-first mentality
- Be ready to have fun
For the Heroic Team, all of the above and
- Be reasonably geared (close to the current Normal ilvl)
- Have a general idea of fight mechanics or be willing to learn
- Come prepared with personal food and pots
For the Mythic team, all of the above and
- Have complete understanding of your class, specs, and upcoming encounters
- Be flexible between your specs and talents where applicable
- Have high (90+%) attendance, and give prior notice if you’re going to miss a raid
- Have a personal drive to keep up with player progression outside of raid
- Come to raid focused and motivated to kill bosses
- Be able to handle constructive criticism
- Communicate clearly and listen to post-wipe discussions
IV. Recruitment
Any and all classes are always welcome to join the guild casually. The Heroic Team is open to almost every spec, but some flexibility may be required to make sure all roles are covered on a given night.
The Mythic team is actively seeking the following specs. If you don’t see yourself listed, please feel free to apply, as we will always consider every application.
- Melee: Demon Hunter, Death Knight, Rogue
- Ranged: Elemental, Shadow, Boomkin, Mage
V. Application
Please fill out this application if you are interested in joining us. An officer will respond as soon as possible.
VI. Contact
- Wilhuff#1382 (GM, Community)
- Halosis#1645 (Mythic Raiding)
- Ardentia#1278 (Heroic Raiding)