404 Holy Paladin LF Mythic Raiding Guild


Guild found, thanks for reading


I’ve cleared 9/9 H BoD 1/2 H CoS. I love my guild, but I really want to push mythic content and the guild seems to be content hanging out in Heroics. Nothing wrong with that, but I want to push myself more :muscle:

I’m reliable and am always told that I heal super well for my ilvl. At 380ilvl I healed a timed Mythic 14 key.

I’ve been playing since BC and am good with mechanics. Give me a shot to show what I can do. I’m more than willing to come along for a raid and show you rather than tell :stuck_out_tongue:

Availability: any evening and would love even more to raid on weekends. Battle tag is Msbehavin#11786