Returning player looking to get back into the game more. Decided to be more casual this time. Very experienced with raids and mythic dungeons in the past. I have a lot of AOTC achievements and some mythic raiding experience. Will put in the work to be prepared.
Want to at least be able to clear normal modes and maybe work towards heroic clears.
Prefer weekday afternoons for group organized content, 6 or later EST. Weekends can work as well.
A little about me. Good sense of humor, always on time and prepared. Laid back.
Discord is dongy#3074 if you prefer that as communication. Thanks!
Hi Cactuscactus,
Just curious if you happen to have logs or anything from other toons, even if they’re from an older expansion?
Link for a little more info on our guild: <Sever> - Tu & Th 8-10pm EST - 8/9N Casual Raiding
Yeah. I’ll add you on discord and send you a link
My guild is causal AOTC focused currently 7/9 normal from week 1. we raid tues/mon 830-1130 server you can add me if you want to talk. we also push keys on nights we dont raid,
Hi Cactus - We are in need of DPS for our Season Two raid team! We have an awesome team formed and looking for others to join us. This is an opportunity to join a committed team that will grow with you into Dragonlight and beyond.
—Raid Times—
Friday: 8:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. EST
Saturday: 8:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. EST
Currently, we are 8/9 Normal in Aberrus and going in to work on Sarkareth this evening
We will be doing Normal for a little longer for gear and start to work on Heroic Bosses very soon.
Feel free to reach out to me on Discord: Devonellah#0195 to talk more! 
Click here to see our full recruitment post.
Hi Cactuscactus, “Bada Bing” (21+) may be a good fit for you and we need more dps. We are a Social and Casual Progressive raiding guild. Our raid is: Th/F 7-10pm est., (currently N 4/9) and sometimes on Sat. (same time period) if our GM wants to push progression more. We have a chatty Discord, and members help each other w/ activities. If we sound like the perfect home for you then just IM me in-game for either more info/invite. I’m online practically every day in the early afternoon , but if you can’t catch me and just desire an invite, then just apply directly to “Bada Bing” through guild finder, and we will invite you through there. Hope to have you join our family!