403 Mage LF 2 night raiding guild

Lots of CE experience, been playing since BC. hit me up on discord.

Discord Dommie#7627

I lead a raid team within my guild. I was a former CE level raider since Legion.
We are currently 7/8H in a more chill low drama atmosphere with former CE and AOTC raiders.
We plan to push toward early mythic bosses as well if the roster fills to that point as we are currently about 16 strong on the team. We won’t be CE focused if that is your goal.

I know you noted wanted 2 nights a week raid but we’re just Wednesday evenings 7-11pm CST on Mal’ganis to allow more open schedules for everyone the rest of the week.

Our guild, as a whole, as 4 raid teams. The guild also does m+ on Monday evenings.
A bunch of people run m+ throughout the week trying to push up to 20’s for the weekly vault.

If you are interested feel free to hit up the guild discord at:

Or you can add me on disc if you have questions:

Just thought I’d lay it out there in case you were interested even if it didn’t meet your exact criteria.