Looking for a 2 day, weekday raiding guild. Raided a bit of Mythic in Legion, killed 5 bosses in Nighthold and 5 bosses in ToS before our guild fell apart.
~7pm-12pm EST works best.
Have carried my own PUGs to AOTC for all of Legion and BFA. Looking for a chill guild for a good Mythic push.
Nevermore on Turalyon (A) is currently looking for a Rogue to help round out our roster for mythic BoD and beyond.
We are currently 9/9H 3/9M and our raid times are Thurs/Mon 8-11est.
We have been a guild for over 10 years now and have achievement multiple cutting edge achievements during that time. While we aren’t as hardcore as we once were, we pride ourselves on pushing progression on a strict 6 hour schedule in a laid back atmosphere.
If you are interested in joining or learning more, feel free to add me Glade#1825 or apply on our website www.nevermoreturalyon. com
Would enjoy talking to you about an opportunity with us. Please reach out if interested! I’m sure you’re flooded with messages providing your contact info, so I won’t add to it!
Hi Enkhs, my guild Almost Epic and I would be interested in talking to you more about what you are looking for in a guild and how you might be a great fit for us. Almost Epic is seeking active raiders interested in progressing mythic. We are an AOTC guild that currently lacks the raid roster to consistently progress mythic.
Please message me, or any of the officers listed below, in game or leave a comment on this thread if you are interested or have any questions. More detail is provided below.
Guild Name: Almost Epic
Faction: Horde
Realm (US/EU): US Bleeding Hollow
Realm Timezone: EST
Progression: 9/9H, 1/9M
Raid Schedule:
Tuesday - 9:00PM EST - 12:00AM EST
Thursday - 9:00PM EST - 12:00AM EST
More about us:
We are a laid back, but get sh*t done guild. Some of us have been raiding together since Naxrammas. We run M+ keys and PVP too.
Trials consist of raiding with us. We will review your logs and raider io prior.
Contact our officers in game, or through bnet. Or Join our Community using this code: 5EqO4E0Hg7z
In game:
Aelinisa-Bleeding Hollow
I’m impressed that you’ve led PUGs to AOTC for two expansions!
If you’re open to playing Horde, Questionable Morality’s mythic team is currently 3/9M, 9/9H and raids from 7pm - 11pm EST on Sundays and Mondays. We’re a friendly, relaxed group that enjoys pushing mythic content on a 2-day schedule — to the extent that we do prioritize mythic progression ahead of heroic clears as much as possible — but we aren’t going to fall apart or /wrists if we don’t achieve Cutting Edge, either.
I’ll post a link to our current recruitment thread. If you think we might be a fit for you, and vice versa, please feel free to add me (Velkana#1155 on BattleNet or Malice#7616 on Discord), or our GM/RL, Tthrack#1350 (the same on BattleNet and Discord).
Peak is a new alliance guild on Proudmoore that was established by experienced raiders and friends. We are looking for raiders to fill our core roster so that we can dive into Mythic content. We are striving for a fun and relaxed environment, while still maintaining a solid push in raids on a light schedule. Willing to merge with a guild. Would discuss ranks, ideals, etc. Days/Times are set however!
Interruptible of Area 52 is seeking talented individuals to push for success.
About Interruptible:
We are neither a casual nor a hardcore raiding guild. If you are looking for a team that approaches raiding professionally while maintaining a fun atmosphere, we may be the place for you. We are a mix of college students, working professionals, husbands/wives, and generally people from all walks of life. We are a friendly atmosphere, dramaless, social, and active guild. Plenty of activity within: Mythic +, Island Expeditions, PvP and outside games.
Our goals as a guild:
Our long-term goals are to provide a unique playing environment for our members. We would like for them to enjoy playing the game with other like minded individuals. Bringing together many different personalities with the same common goal will be very satisfying for everyone. This game has a lot to offer and can be very rewarding when you have the right people to play with.
Currently seeking:
Weekend Group
Prot Paladin or Prot Warrior
Resto Shaman
Resto Druid
Holy/Disc Priest
Mages, Hunters, Boomkin, Ele Sham
Ret Paladin, Windwalker Monk
If you are a great player and your class isn’t listed, feel free to reach out and we’ll be happy to give you a shot!
Raid Times: Weekend Group
Saturday: 9PM EST - Midnight EST
Sunday: 9PM EST - Midnight EST
Sorry to hear about your guild breaking up. We’re currently recruiting and might be just what you’re looking for.
Beach Justice
Server : Andorhal/Scilla/Ursin/Zuluhed
Faction : Alliance
Current Progression : BoD: 9/9H; 1/9M
Raid Schedule : Tuesday/Thursday 9:00p-12:00 EST
Monday (9:00p-12:00 EST) – Alt Run
Wednesday/Sunday (9:00p-12:00 EST) –RBGS Team/Arenas
Mythic+ Guild Groups run throughout the week
Why the Beach?
First and foremost, we’re not just a guild, we’re family. We’re a current content progression raiding guild focused primarily on clearing content (while having fun) and furthering our progression into Mythic BoD. We consider ourselves serious/casual as we’re a guild of friends/raiders who have come to terms with the fact that we actually have lives outside the game but an addiction to slaying pixels.
Guild: Winginit
Faction : Alliance
Raid Times: Tuesday and Thursday 8:00-11:00 PM EST
Progression : 9/9 Normal & 8/9 Heroic
Contacts : (bnet Geistreiter#1719) (hit me up if you have any questions)
Recruitment: Melee or Ranged DPS.
About: We’re a friendly guild and are willing to help gear people if you are willing to put the time in and raid with us! We aren’t looking for top parsers or anything like that, just people that can do mechanics, learn from mistakes and pull their own weight. Most of us have commitments and other responsibilities outside of raid so we understand that real life happens. We would like to have a few more reliable players to fill out our roster as we intend to see Mythic content as well. We have a core of 18 dedicated Raiders currently.
We provide flasks and food on raid nights, and if you would like to contribute to the effort of the feasts or cauldrons it is appreciated, but not required.
We run mythic keys on off nights and there are generally people on to help with whatever your needs are.
Thanks for taking the time to read, we look forward to hearing from you!
Hello there Enkhs! Our Alliance guild [Duality] is recruiting all positions for BoD. We are a semi-hardcore / casual guild that have heroic on farm and are progressing into mythic! Our current progression
8/8H Uldir-
2/8M Uldir-
9/9H BoD-
1/9M BoD-
Our raid times
Tuesday Optional Alt/Main run. 11pm EST - Until we clear it.
Wednesdays / Thursdays 9PM - 12pm EST.
Looting system : RC loot council, with any personal loot people don’t need and can trade.
Server : Whisperwind/ Dentarg- Alliance heavy sever.
Voice Chat : Team Speak 3
What we’re looking for
Being on time and prepared for raids. Which Includes :
Enchanted -
Gem slots filled -
Food -
Flasks -
Potions -
Tank -
Melee Dps -
Ranged Dps - Spec not excluded to exceptional players.
We also do regular group content such as Mythic+ dungeons, Island Expos, Leveling alts together, and hang out playing other games with each other as well. If you’re interested, we could always use more dedicated people that’d like to join a gaming community such as ours.
You can contact me here : Battle-net tag - Vercross#1411