401 ilvl Lock LF Midcore/M+ Guild


I am looking for a 2 night AOTC+ (dabbles in mythic) or CE guild. I am looking at raids starting at 5:30-6:00 PST and last until ~9 at latest Mon-Thurs.

The 3rd day i usually like to use for M+. I love pushing keys, but pugging as been rough thus far.

About me:

Server: Currently Vek’Nilash, but most characters are still on Area 52.

Current Main: Warlock (Main Affliction/Destro, can play demo, just dislike Nether Portal gameplay.) I know Aff isn’t “meta” right now, but it is where i have the most fun.

ilvl: 400

Progress: 8/8 N, 7/8 H

RIO: 2133 and counting.

Logs can be found under Ichimaru-Vek’Nilash

Alts: 395 DH, also working on a Shaman, currently only 355.

Raid history: Was Cutting Edge in Legion, but due to time constraints I have been focusing on AOTC every tier and pushing as far into mythic as I can. Before really pushing in legion i was always hitting mythic raids, just as far as the guild could get.

I have been playing since 2005 and love this game. Most the people I used to play with are no longer around and I’d like to find a new home.

If your team likes doing keys, raiding at a similar difficulty, and understands the time constraints of being a parent, please let me know!

I can be reached on discord at Ichimaru#2603 or here on this thread. Thanks!

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Bump to the top!

Hey there Ichimaru!

[THE NUMPTY BRIGADE] on Illidan is looking for more DPS! We are an AOTC-focused guild looking to build up our roster in order to smash out some Mythic bosses this tier.

Our raid times are FRIDAY / SATURDAY at 7:30 - 10:30PM CST. Our current prog for VoTI is 8/8N and 7/8H.

In addition to raiding, we’re very keen on keys, with the majority of our members achieving KSM and beyond each tier. Other activities our members like to indulge in are: PvP, achievement and mount farming.

If you have any questions, feel free to apply:

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to an officer:

Ackleholic#3313 (Discord) OR Kreg#2602 (Discord)

think we would be a good fit

Alliance t/w 830-1130 eastern

Ex mythic guild in rebuilding for mythic content and need a few more spots.

7/8H currently Raz at 60%

Non elitist. Small and tight knit.

Mortiia#6352 on disc.

Let’s talk.

Bump for visibility!