Its been a few years since I have had to look for a new guild/team so I will try and keep from wasting folks time.
As is happening more often in this xpac… my former team succumb to the BFA ‘quagmire’ after the Christmas holiday and folded up shop after raiding together since WoD… so I am looking to salvage the situation and find a new team to blend in with (and be part of).
I roll a Holy Paladin (current ilvl 401) and have managed to scrap together 6/9H BOD progression since returning to play last month. I like to consider myelf a low-stress/low-maintenance player that comes prepared and ontime to raid night. I understand and can deal with the ebb & flow of progression (semi- & hardcore) and it doesn’t bother me as I consider it all part of the ‘price of admission’.
I admittedly haven’t hit the M+ circuit the season as previous ones… but have started to pick it up since I returned (in both Holy & Prot).
I am on CST… and can be reasonably flexible with my raid times but would like to stay in the 2 - 3 days/week, 1800 - 2300 CST timeframe, any days. Server & faction changes aren’t an issue as I started this game as Alliance on the Lightbringer server (so I wont get lost in Stormwind).
With a two month break… I understand I may be behind the progression curve (tons of folks looking for 6 or better Mythic)… but I am not looking to be that player that is demanding 8/9M before a team is deemed worthy of my time. I am just looking for a team that is comparable in progression and shooting for AOTC and then some Mythic bosses… that I can be part of and help reach its goals… not carried to as much loot as I can possibly loot, bonus roll, or ‘poor mouth’ my way to.
Thanks for you time if you made it this far… If I seem like I may be what you are looking for and want to discuss this further… feel free to throw a btag at me or leave something on this forum and I will try and get back to you.
No matter how it turns out… Good luck in all your gaming endeavors!