400k For Invincible?

People are paying a ton for mims rn, invincible just sold for 9k in my gdkp this week

i sold my raven mount to someone for 6k gold from my druid, i even offered i said 100g for the try if it drops its yours and he said no, i’ll give you 5k gold if it drops.

So i spawn in the raven, killed it and BOOM it dropped (actually first time i saw it drop out of the last many attempts) and he said oh um i dont have the gold on me, its in the guild bank… trust me he says… ugh

So I “trusted” him and thats how i got 6k gold for it. He said not many people are nice and trust people in the game and gave me 1,000 extra gold for being that trusting person.

Sounds like I should join one of those gkps things and get the lich king mount ahaha


and hear me out

You could hop over to retail and solo it all you want on all your alts for free with the same disappointment.

Killed Arthas more times than i can count when it was current content.

Went back and farmed out the legendary weapon.

Went back and killed him more.

I am not a lucky owner of that damned horse yet.

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I find it funny people pay it. It wouldn’t sell for that much if people weren’t paying it.

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Why not just farm it in retail? No need for anything and you pretty much can do it naked

The drop rate come the 30th is less than 1%. Chances are you probably won’t see it again.

Sold for like 25k on my last casual GDKP. However it’s mostly the same people every week so I assume almost everyone has it already on their main or alt.

1% drop rate never stopped any other mount from dropping. Just becomes rarer. Need to put in time is all and it doesnt take long to clear a ICC at 85 at all. And you can do it with surprisingly few people. Just get a few friends and farm.

Depends on how much your time is worth to you.

Farm 35k to 100k gold back, or farm mount after patch.

The gold is many times easier to farm and come by.

For 35-100k yea sure, I agree thats the normal price and well within casual GDKP/funnel runs. This thread is about the posts asking for 400k+ and that for what ever reason people are paying it because fear mongering trade posts saying that its going away. Seen a post with a discord link for active bidding for it and currently over 700k gold. Like what?

Edit - Also in no way shape or form telling people dont buy the mounts, just saying to get a few friends to farm it if they dont want to spend the gold.

Just finished a GDKP on my paladin’s usual group. Invincible went for 3k lol.

Just sold 1 tonight for 52k… Buy it in a gdkp guilds sell for way too much

Nobody wanted it? How long has this GDKP been clearing?

I dont understand the logic of that.

I play a few days a week, raid one, farm two or three and im sitting on about 310k gold atm. I know a few guildies who are capped on every toon and they dont rmt or gdkp. Its not hard to get 3k gold a day, split gold on boe sales etc. We got 6 boes that all sold for around 10k this week. Thatll be 10k or so between us who ran the raid, plus what i made in dailies, the 15k i made in gems, and the 4k or so with enchanting. So this week alone on 3 days i made about 50k gold. Thats average for me.

Hmm it’s kind of a clique of friends who know other friends? We did ICC for like two months straight then the host took a break, I assume everyone just kept going on alts, and recently we have been going for a bit more than a month.

I think pretty much everyone in the raid has cleared ICC heroic multiple times on alts and mains, I personally have killed H LK on my DK, paladin, warlock and mage so I’ve seen how fewer and fewer people need Invincible over the weeks.

How will they even know they have the mount if they can’t see it?

How do you sell soulbound mounts

The mount can be traded among the raiders until it is learnt.

Through Discords with Paypal