400-500g is kinda insane for 1 flask

how many hours do you fight patchwerk and Loateb?

other bosses dont need flasks.

that sounds like 2 flasks a week, patchwerk and loatheb

No bosses need flasks.

Patchwerk is a very simple gear check, if you don’t have the gear, you cant kill him. Farm some T3 from the other wings and go back to him. Controlling the hateful strike is the biggest mechanic, and healers control that mechanic more than the tanks do. Most of the tanks getting killed on him is healers improperly healing. There is more to it than simply getting the hateful soaker back up to full asap.

Rotation should be after first round of hatefuls go out.

Hateful 1 gets hit - slow heals
Hateful 2 gets hit - slow heals
Hateful 3 gets hit - Hateful 1 should be at full and be getting hit, and healers should now be almost finished casting on hateful 2, hateful 3 is now getting their heals

If you flash heal/fol hateful 1 before hateful 3 gets their slower big heals, the smaller heals bring hateful 1 above hateful 3 and now he’s the target and dies because they aren’t at full health. There is no need to panic heal on this fight, its all about rotation, if you control the hateful rotation, you control the fight.

I’m not saying it needs to be exact, but slower, bigger, more mana-efficient heals go a long way to controlling the rotation of the hateful strike, if half your healers are using 1.5 sec casts and the rest are using 2.5 or longer, depending on the distribution of those 1.5s healers will get a soaker killed.

Does that mean it’s better to have 1 full-health tank than 2 half-health tank?

1 MT and 3 soakers. Your soakers need to be geared and specd for absolute maximum mitigation. We’re talking 440 defense and armor capped with Inspiration. Assign 3 healers to each tank, and spread your Priests out for maximum Inspiration coverage. Give your tanks Devo aura and Warlock Imp aura. That’s the setup. The execution is as follows:

Priests spam nothing but Rank 1 Gheal. Paladin spam nothing but max rank Flash of Light. Druids spam nothing but R4 Healing Touch. As long as your healers cast their 1 spell on their 1 target the entire fight, you will kill him.

One tank should take most of the Hateful Strikes, with 2nd and 3rd OT only occasionally getting hit when the primary soaker healers don’t get him to 100% in time.

440 Defense doesn’t matter. Hateful Strike cannot crush or crit.

Defense = Avoidance

Priority for HS soakers is Armor > Stam > Def

Correct, but the amount doesn’t matter. You don’t need 440 specifically, you just need the highest possible reduction to DTPS you can get.

You had it right when you said this:

You don’t need much more than 8.5-9k HP, really, as long as your healers are on point.

Here is absolute BiS for off-tanking Patchwerk (enchants on threat pieces unchanged):

6,159 HP
10,471 Armor
431 Defense
25.24% Block
26.19% Dodge
12.24% Parry

Pre-Naxx BiS would be:

5,599 HP
9,454 Armor
412 Defense
24.48% Block
26.88% Dodge
12.48% Parry

Stacking Stam for Patchwerk is a noob trap for tanks. Do not do it. You want to AVOID and MITIGATE the hits, not just be a mana sponge with a big max HP.

Avoidance, while good, doesn’t do anything to save your healers mana. Healers can’t afford to ever stop casting on Patchwerk because all it takes is a string of bad avoidance RNG and you’re dead if your healers aren’t casting. So they are going to spend the same amount of mana whether you avoid 10% of HS or 90% of HS. The only thing that changes is how much overhealing they do. Armor and stam are priority which is why Bears are the actual absolute BiS for HS soaking.

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Yes, it does.

… wrong?

Armor is good, yes, as it’s useful whether you avoid the attack or not, but Stamina is not nearly as important as you think, for one reason:

Those three healers should have ZERO issue getting the tank to full HP very quickly.

If they don’t, you have a 2nd and 3rd OT to soak (their HP would be higher, probably). If those healers also fail and you go through TWO more Hateful Strikes before healing a tank to full HP (very unlikely), you have avoidance to completely mitigate the attack.

Eh, there’s a difference between can and should. For a 2:22 fight there’s no reason to cancel cast. Your logs show that it can be done, not that it should be done. 0:43 - 0:48 would have been a soaker death if you were cancel casting during that string of bad RNG, which is exactly why avoidance is at the bottom of my prio list for soakers. As long as a string of RNG like that is possible, there’s no reason to gamble on a fight so short you were never at risk of going OOM in the first place and since you guys appear to really care about world buffs.

Imagine if Honorable’s string of dodges near the end was a string of connects instead and you guys were cancel casting because you saw him dodge a couple. PW would start cycling through your soakers while you scramble to get a heal off from 0s. By the time your 2.5s cast lands, Honorable is dead. All so you could…save a few hundred mana? Not worth.

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Well, the benefits of canceling (and avoidance allowing me to do so) is that I can use max rank heals instead of lower rank heals, making it easier to keep the tank at a higher HP and soaking more Hatefuls.

Because Hateful Strike is every 1.2s, and Greater Heal is every 2.5, casting non-stop is going to result in massive overhealing when it gets out of sync and just waste mana.

I’m canceling about half way into the cast if my target is full HP. If it’s a string of connects, I just don’t cancel and let it go through.

Not possible, because Honorable takes the hit (and goes to half HP, roughly). If I START casting right then, it’s 1.2 seconds until the next Hateful Strike. That hits OT #2. 1.2 seconds again. OT #3. Then my heal lands, and he’s full HP.

Keep in mind that I’m already half way through my cast by the time my tank gets hit, so OT #3 usually doesn’t even get hit because OT #1 is full health again and takes the hit instead.

I have nameplates on so was pretty easy to see the nameplate pop-up under the node I was heading too, then watch the node disappear followed by the name plate disappearing as i’m guessing it teleported away.

Actuallly had it happen again last night on the ooze covered rich thorium veins in the hives in Silithus. Could see the nameplate under the ground show up while I was actively hitting the node. I got the last whack of the node before the bot could but I mean it’s a little ridiculous that legit players have to compete with that.

The feeling I get is that the tanks don’t matter much on patch. The fight is carried by the healers and DPS. Just go thicc as you can and try not to pass the MT’s threat if you’re a soaker. I don’t think it needs too much analysis tbh.

Worrying about things like swapping boots of the shadow flame for hive tunneler boots aren’t going to make or break the fight. I feel like managing aggro on the pull and refreshing stoneshield is about the only thought a tank needs to put into that fight.

But yeah, I’m going to be flasked, have eaten a chimera chop, and have my zanza up do to my part at least.

Just stop playing this bot infested gold buying trash game and play retail which is actually good again

Why do people say that? Is it a joke or your serious? People that play classic have no interest in retail whatsoever

I do agree on your point, Argorwal. Even of the resources were in line with population on Classic versus Vanilla, things would still be more expensive than they were in Vanilla. But I think its a fair and reasonable argument to say they would not be this blown out of proportion, and I think Blizzard can easily fix this with a little bit of effort and make the experience more in line with the Vanilla experience.

Mr. Zombie, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Only on lotus but lotus arent the only issue now. Its basically every herb. Plaguebloom being 120g a stack is ridiculous. Not to mention the underground bots that Ive reported but dont get banned.

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You are the GOAT for referencing that.