40 weeks for legendary guaranteed?

Is this actually accurate for heroic kills?

If so its just better to wait for the next expansion to play.

I’m not sure if that’s accurate, but either way the legendary isn’t a big enough difference maker to warrant being this dramatic about it.

I’m pretty sure after 18-20 kills or so the chance is ~50%, so while that would make sense for 40 to be the cap, it would seem pretty unlikely to make it that many kills.

You can buy an awakened kharnalex/dreambinder and still be very competitive.

Yeah I guess I’m coming from the plate side of things where the axe IS that big a difference. It took me 12 weeks for that one out of 14 for 100% I believe.

They should buff the drop rate or allow us to buy the drop for 8-10 bullions.

I killed sark h from week one literally until the last week of the tier before it ironically dropped for me, so I feel your pain. I think it was 25 kills.

Im just gonna buy vekhash and be done with it on my evoker. No point trying to grind for the legendary