4 raiders and a casual looking to server transfer. We are 2 tanks (pally and druid), 1 heal (druid) and 1 dps (ele sham) looking for a home (casual is a lock). We are in mostly bis and fairly flexible with specs, but our best gear is as listed (we’ve downed all but Nightbane and Mag). Looking for a medium-intensity guild that raids 10s/25s on weekdays starting around 8-9pm EST. We are all RL friends and have been playing together since Vanilla. Coming from Myzrael and we are horde side.
Hi! I’m the raid leader for and we are looking for more raiders to fill out our 25 man and 2nd 3rd kara teams. Shoot me a message in game (Captmurph) to have a chat and see if you guys would be a good fit!
Speaking as one of the raid leaders for , we’re currently 12/12 Kara; 2/2 Gruul; 1/1 Mag with two 25mans every week and 5 10man Kara groups clearing between 8-11 server time. Raid nights are Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sunday, with 25man nights being the Thurs/Sat.
Feel free to reach out in game to Tempestrilla or our GM Seratic for more information.
Hello! Kraqen with Exclusive Outcasts here! We raid Th. and Fri. at 8 PM server on Windseeker on Alliance side. We would have spots available in our raid team and third Kara group for you. We have currently downed all current content (Mag is currently on progression, but we kill with pugs on an off-raid day until he is downed as a guild).
You can reach me on discord: MountainK#0249 or on Bnet: Shichiroji#1830
Good luck finding a home!