4 piece Brewmaster set - change it please

I was thinking this the other day that BoF should do big damage.

Nah, they’d have to change the BOF reset talent, because that’d make brew disgusting in PVP if it did relevant damage.

It’s not meant to do damage, it’s meant to modify. It should honestly just be modifying other abilities to do more, similar to SCK passive from WW

Logged into the forums to share this sentiment. I’ve played Brewmaster for 4 years or so and I was very disappointed to see this set bonus for obvious reasons.

I hope the devs are keeping up with feedback here or in the class discords, but the current answer for players in Peak of Serenity asking about this tier set is “we won’t equip the items unless the stats are upgrades.” This is obviously not ideal so please consider another route.

I, for one, love the Windwalker set concept—it gives WW players a lot of opportunity for skill expression with a high skill ceiling, while also being a flat buff for anyone who equips the set regardless of skill. Not to mention, their set bonus modifies the way players think about their rotation and provides opportunities for the gameplay loop to be more dynamic and rewarding. I would love to see Brewmasters get something similar to this.

One idea I had (not a game designer so take it with a pinch of salt) was the following:

2 Piece
Abilities that grant Shuffle have a chance to grant a stack of Elusive Brawler.

4 Piece
When you dodge an attack, you gain a stack of Inner Peace. Upon reaching x stacks of Inner Peace, your next ability is empowered.

  • Empowered Tiger Palm - Empowered TP does 500% damage and reduces brew CDs by an additional 2 seconds.
  • Empowered Keg Smash - Empowered KS tosses a keg high into the air that lands nearby after 3 sec doing damage and slowing enemies for 15 seconds… (Special Delivery with a higher damage modifier to account for happening rarely)
  • Empowered Breath of Fire - Empowered BoF applies four stacks of 5% DR and dot tick to all targets affected by Keg Smash
  • Empowered Celestial Brew - Empowered CB shields for an additional 30% and increases your mastery 15% for 8 seconds upon expiration
  • Empowered Expel Harm - Empowered EH heals for twice as much. Overhealing is converted into an absorb shield.

An effect like this would give players the ability to choose between single target damage, aoe damage, and various forms of defensive options that work best in a variety of scenarios (boss fights, magic damage, beginning of a pull, end of a pull, etc.).

I’m not a game designer so who knows how broken or underpowered this concept is and there’s clearly a case of tooltip-nightmare in this. I am just hoping to say it would be nice to have something that augments our decision making process and allows us to choose between damage and meaningful survivability.

Or you could just give us something as strong as the prot pally bonus :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Whenever you dodge an ability you have a chance to throw Keg Smash


Underwhelming power of the Brew tier aside, the most disappointing aspect of it is that is has no impact on gameplay. They’ve already said they want tier to make your rotation or spec feel different during the patch that the tier drops in. Brewmasters with tier play the exact same way as those without it.

As a side note - Not that it should be the centerpiece of a tank set bonus, but it would also be nice to not be the only tank spec without a damage component to our tier bonus.


I would love to see something like:

  • 2pc: Blackout Kick coalesces an orb of Celestial Chi around the Monk. Each orb causes 1.25% - 2.5% of Stagger damage to be ignored. Max 4 orbs.

  • 4pc: Orbs beyond the maximum detonate Chi energy, causing all nearby enemies to take <35% AP> Nature Damage, evenly divided. Dodging an attack also automatically triggers a Blackout Kick at the opponent.
    (This would have synergy with Blackout Combo, Charred Passions, and Tumbling Technique.)

Just play around with the second idea, anyways. I want Chi Explosion back, and all I keep thinking about is how Orb Slots on Defect work in Slay the Spire…

I love how your 4pc suggestion is an empowerment. I strongly feel this is how Chi should function for the entire class, as a way to make core abilities Stronger, instead of as a requirement to using the ability outright. But I do feel this is already somewhat in play with Blackout Combo.

(I feel the tier following should focus on Crit as a favored stat, instead of mastery, by enhancing the Celestial Fortune effect somehow – thinking ahead. Ideally, patch 1 for BrM is Haste Focused, on brews and cooldown resets; patch 2 on Big Damage; and Patch 3 on solo sustenance in content.)


I agree. The main focus of brewmaster should be stagger so having a tier set that changes or enhances stagger would be cool.

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Personally, I’m just tired of gimmicks.

Keg Smash. Breath of Fire. Brews. Neat, but gimmicks. What happened to the Blizzard pre-Shadowlands that talked about focusing on the Class holistically and trying to Unify the specs?

Give me the ability to deliver a solidly practiced kick, or a swift, decisive throat punch over chintzy bubbleboy mechanics anyday. (Although, I truthfully want both.)

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I just want Jake Gyllenhaal to be proud of me.

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Getting too real. I mean, who doesn’t. I’m here screaming “notice me Senpai”.

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OMG… Just saw… Death Knights literally get this as their 4pc, but monks don’t. I really don’t think the design team plays the game.


What!? Blood dks don’t get that they get:

Dodging an attack also automatically triggers a Blackout Kick at the opponent * and increases your agility by 1% *.

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If you look at all the other tank spec tier bonuses, one or the other adds some sort of damage bonus. With BM monks only receiving defensives, this will definitely make them less competitive in m+. Like others have said, the 4 piece bonus is garbage. If you are playing the class properly, you should have shuffle up all the time anyway, so increasing the duration further is pointless.

Further discussion is definitely needed for BM monks. All tank specs should have a damage increase aspect added to at least one of the tier bonuses. Hoping for some changes before release.


Paladins also get free judgments when they block.

I can’t stop sobbing.



Poor Llarold is just dying on the cross


I loved reading every word of it.

“just to dunk on this tier set’s corpse”


But I will continue to enchant my bracers with Intellect. Because I like to feel smart.

(Read the other takes too, agree a lot with the MW review, but the WW review, I think the added depth on the 4pc is exactly what the goal should be for every class/spec – planning and timing out maximizing the potential with TP/FotWT pre-10 to make sure you’re getting all the value on your Chi Spenders and not on a petty Tiger Palm. This is, after all, the pinnacle of the game and a top-tier set should make the gameplay more intricate and demanding to maximize the bonuses.)

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Just give us one of the tower abilities. There are some good ones there. Like the ones that lets BoK hit multiple times? That would still boost shuffle (pointless but hey) AND damage.

Lots of good, already coded abilities from the tower.

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e l e t h i u m d i f f u s e r

New in 9.3 (the patch that never was) - Mistweaver Monk gets Corrosive Dosage. Skyrockets to top damage and healing. Brewmaster gets an extra charge of roll and a chance to spawn a Bell Grande Ox Sphere they can step through to heal 25% of their HP.

I feel that would be Blizzard’s response to such an ask – "But, we gave you what you asked for!? "


I think I may go blood dk for 9.2 – unless the tier turns into new hottness.

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That’s also what I’m thinking. Granted I’ll have to wait till the tier sets go up on the ptr for testing. The blood set bonus could be amazing but there’s a lot of unknowns as how its actually going to work.