4 "New" M+ is unacceptable

S1 won’t be dragon-themed. We know the first raid involves us breaking the “Primal Elements” and we’ve seen that the tier sets invoke all four of the elements (some classes are fire themed, some are lightning themed, some are water themed, some are earth themed). It’s almost certain the first seasonal affix will involve elemental invasions, I would stake $$$ that there are some kind of elemental portals we have to deal with.

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I provided plenty of proof that you barely scratch what a grind is, you then tried to come back with a post that I don’t like the solo Q raider io experience…lol.

I pulled info from what you have done, which is not much. You can argue that all you want, but facts are facts.

Plenty of people agree with me, id range about 90% of people in this thread agree this is a bad idea of a system lol. You claimed that none of us with this opinion have actually done content, do you not recall your original post? So I proved we have, and you havent, which is entirely opposite of what you claimed.

Man, did not think I would have to explain it this deeply to you. It is very simple.

YOU do not have to learn routes, memorize them, or do any type of plan for the content that you do. I am happy getting old content, and would like to get the new content as well. I solved my problem by finding people to push with an enjoy it. I do not mind that you enjoy doing keys casually, and that exists for you. So why do you want to remove content from the people that want to do it?

Having less options doesn’t make the ‘same old same old’ feeling go away.

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‘unacceptable’ rofl ok dude

You provided 0 proof, you’ve just been talking yourself up for having a higher IO as if that means in any way that someone with less IO hasn’t grinded.

It’s what ever man, keep sperging about needing 12 dungeons in season 1 M+. If nothing else you’re more proof that permanently-on-forum players are out of touch with the game.

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it’s not less if you’re getting it over time, you gonna tell me that you’d rather just spend 2 years in the same 8 dungeons like you have for most of Shadowlands? if the answer to that is yes then…

So, rotating same is better than regular same? Nonsense.

The expansion instances should always be a part of M+. The old ones should rotate.

Answer the question man, why do you want less content for people who want to push score and grind? You lose nothing by this existing.

I mean, I guess i can screenshot all the stuff I already said? You don’t raid, you don’t do anything higher than a 12, and you dont PvP. Has nothing to do with your IO vs mine, you actually don’t do a good chunk of the content that exists.

“Permanently on forums” you have almost as many posts as I do, and again ill point to, I actually do the content I am commenting on and you don’t. You have more forum time than time playing what you are crying about lol. Super weird argument to stand by.

So again, why does having 8 dungeons and 4 old ones hurt you? You can still not do them like you have been while everyone else who wants to gets to do them. Answer the question.

Personally occulus, nexus, and cata dungeons is something I would like to see.

Making them more of a bonus also wouldnt force people to do Occulus for example.

Maybe they should just give us two-3 keys. One for current dungeons, one for older ones. And one for timewalking mythics.

I think the goal is to keep M+ diversified over the course of an expansion.

I like your prediction and it’ll accomplish the assumed goal above well.

I stopped reading the entirety of your posts after you got hostile, man. Don’t you have some +20s to finish off for your roster? :slight_smile:

Ah the good ole “i stopped reading but replied and researched in to your account and found nothing to argue about” lol.

Ill tldr it for you without getting hostile.

You have not done any content, which is fine. You don’t like to grind and do the harder endgame, which is fine. Just don’t pretend and advocate against more content because you dont like to do it. It is really weird to want less for people because you don’t like it.


It’s just a smokescreen.

It really just comes down to if content is cut or not due to this new system. If they still make new content, whether its another dungeon, mega dungeon, or whatever then the rotation could be fine sure.

On a personal note, I don’t want half the mythic+ dungeons I do in a new expansion I just paid for to be from wrath that I paid for and did years ago. Wrath classic is coming, everyone can play that.

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Well, okay then.


Seriously, what do they put in those things? I can’t ever finish one before my stomach is doing its best blue whale impression.

8 dungeons for m+ is a bit weak anyway. Why not just go with all 8 dragonflight ones so people can learn the routes, and rotate a bonus 4? Like to be honest one of the biggest weak points of shadowlands m+ was having only 8 dungeons for most of the expac, if they are reusing older ones there is absolutely 0 reason why it can’t be 10 or 12 to sift through, more dungeons means a wider array of loot to sift through in addition to less chances for seasons to the point where you just do the same 3 keys nonstop.


If you do that then all the people who don’t want to learn routes or push keys will feel left behind.

If this is true then there’s nothing to worry about and I personally look forward to it.

That didn’t seem to be a problem in bfa where we had 10 dungeons or legion where they added a new dungeon every patch. And also despite adding more dungeons every patch in legion bfa was worse for it entirely due to seasonal affixes changing every dungeons route every season. Oftentimes those players don’t even need to know the route as long as the tank does anyway, if they plan to get good at keys then learning routes is going to happen anyway. I’d even go as far as to say if people don’t want to learn routes they probably don’t want to m+ at a serious level in the first place.

Pulling numbers out of thin air aside. If every account has an average of 4 characters, it doesn’t change the statistic at all. lol

I’d be interested to know where this statistic got pulled from though.