This. Can tell Nikolo plays the game, unlike the droves of people who just showed up to nitpick everything in lieu of any large problems to complain about.
A damn shame too because I have my own worries but it’s not worth trying to bring them up because the forums are a bit busy being extremely alarmist.
Except they already said BFA is included, we have legion already, so we will have dungeons that have had mythic+ already in the rotation.
Edit: Deleting double post.
You can tell he plays the game based on what? All the content you have done? lol.
I just want short dungeons without dumb pull restrictions. No more things like the maze in mists. I think all M+ dungeons should be open like freehold with mobs that don’t need to be interrupted every three seconds so you can pull 30 of them (sometimes into bosses) with enough skill, and bosses that aren’t insane or just every week fortified.
I don’t know what this is supposed to mean, but I know because he’s obviously caught in the loop of grinding m+ score and then grinding specific dungeons ad nauseum for good drops he needs.
The expansion dungeons should always be key options. The season should have the 4 extra dungeons sure to breath some life from old dungeons.
The score should look at your 8 best dungeons maybe? Or 16 best dungeons since you have to grind them on both alternating affixes.
That way you have some leeway with the dungeons you do and dont have ti farm so much for the full score.
And add an accountwide score so people can see your experience when choosing to olay other classes.
8 dungeons a season sounds a bit low. But I wouldnt mind seeing old dungeons if the new ones werent affected. Since that expansion is when you want to play the current dungeons.
I would also like to see there take on mythic plus for cata and wotlk dungeons.
It would be nice to see timewalking every week and have all those dungeons to pick from.
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To directly quote Ion: “Season 1 of Dragonflight mythic plus be comprised of actually four of those new Dragonflight dungeons plus a mix of four dungeons picked from older expansions that never had Mythic+ before . . . .”
I’m not sure if Ion can be any more clear than that.
It is supposed to mean that you guys, based on what I can see, have not actually done any type of grind, it seems you dont want to be bothered to do the same dungeon more than once or twice.
Which is totally fine, but don’t advocate taking content away from people who actually want to do it because you dont see a problem with it.
Why can’t we have all 8 dungeons AND new dungeons, and you just choose to not do them? You don’t have to learn routes, you don’t NEED to do them all the time, for the people who do it is there, for the people who don’t, well just dont.
M+ always seemed to have the problem of X trinket is my BiS trinket I have to farm a higher ilvl one every 8 months when a new season comes out. Which felt really stupid. But now they fixed it having new dungeons each patch.
What was fixed? You will still have BiS, it changes nothing lol. You will grind the best trinket in season 1, then in season 2 you will also have the best trinket to grind. Then guess what? Season 3 you will go back and grind that same item again.
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Do we know this? If they are that’s cool. I don’t think I’ve heard anything of that sort though.
What should be done is the new dungeons are all in season 1 then some get rotated out in season 4 and then back in for season 3.
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That’s a direct quote from Ion.
Find the quote please, most only read the wowhead bullet points.
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I’m really not sure how any glance at my account could tell you that, but pop off I guess. Am I a top end player? No, obviously not, none of us here are.
All 8 Dragonflight Dungeons and 4 old dungeons leaves us with 12 M+ for score and for loot distribution regarding trinkets in endgame.
Yes, they are going to include dungeons that have never had it…that does not mean they WONT have bfa and legion dungeons in the rotation lol.
Rehashing old content and claiming its new is the way to go nowadays I guess.
Billion dollar company can’t make a new dungeon each patch and people fall on the sword to defend them, kinda weird if you ask me.
If there is a quote this will put my concerns to bed. All I heard was “not Shadowlands”.
Funny how you posted that without a source.