4 Mythic Raiders looking for a new home [H] Mal'Ganis

Hello, my name is Ozz. Former officer of a Mythic Raiding guild on Mal’Ganis, after a lot of discussion with the rest of the officer team and GM we have decided to leave the guild that we built to search for a new guild for the 4 of us to join in the interest of unhindered progression for BoD and beyond. we would prefer a 2 night a week raid team, but willing to discuss 3 nights. Raid times between 7pm - 11pm preferred, but may be willing to budge for a good fit. we are not willing to faction or Server transfer for now, so a guild on Mal’Ganis is required! We really enjoy giving each other a hard time but as our logs will show we take progression kills seriously and take pride in our performance every single pull, progression or farm. Please contact me Ozz#9547 on discord, or imitated (former GM) at imitated#1753 on discord for more information! thank you for your time and consideration. :sunglasses:

:small_orange_diamond: can’t post links, so ill just post relevant info below

Imitated - Mage, all specs.

  • ilvl - 413

  • Mythic BoD parses
    Champions - 98
    Grong - 85
    Jadefire - 83
    Opulence - 99 (world Rank 3)

  • Raider io - 1364

Øzz - Blood DK Main, Unholy OS. alt Prot pally. also willing to DPS DH

  • ilvl - 412

  • Mythic BoD parses
    Champions - 95
    Grong - 92
    Jadefire -93
    Opulence - 99

  • Raider io - 1246

Aeineda - Mage, all specs

  • ilvl - 408

  • Mythic BoD parses
    Champions - 90
    Grong - 81
    Jadefire - 90
    Opulence - 99

  • Raider io - 1264

Boggiemann - Brewmaster Monk Main, Warrior / Rogue / Druid. (All roles.)

  • ilvl - 413

  • Mythic BoD parses
    Champions - 94
    Grong - 93
    Jadefire - 78
    Opulence - 99

  • Raider io -
    Monk - 1290
    Rogue - 1181
    Warrior - 1144

Hey there,

Team Booty Plunderer’s in the guild Pirates - Mal’Ganis is recruiting!


3/9M 9/9H

We formed 2 weeks ago, and We have killed H Jaina 3 times and saw phase 2 of Mythic opulence in less than 15 pulls! It will be an easy kill next week! Leadership comes from years of experience being in top 20 US raiding guilds.

Pirates has a large community of not only raiders, but also a great crowd of people who primarily run Mythic + at a competitive level

BoD Schedule:
Progression: 3 days - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:30 PM CT to 12:30 AM CT (Server time)
Farm / Post tier: 2 days - Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30 PM CT to 12:30 AM CT (Server time)

New Tier Schedule:
Progression: 4 days - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:30 PM CT to 12:30 AM CT (Server time)
Farm / Post tier: 2 days - Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30 PM CT to 12:30 AM CT (Server time)

The idea behind playing a more intense 4-day schedule at the start of each tier, is to give you time to do M+ and play other games you want to play when we push back to our casual schedule. No burn out!

If this is something that interests you contact:
Indikkah @ B-net: Indikkah#1869 – Discord: Derrick#9830

I sent y’all both discord requests, we are 8/9m curious on talking details.

Seraph here, sent you a discord request. RL for team two and could definitely use all four of y’all. Hope to talk soon.

Hello, we are recruiting:

Lint Roll My Carpet | Horde | Mal’Ganis

We raid Saturday and Sunday, 1-3 am CST (Friday/Saturday 11 pm - 1 am PST)


Guild Master: Fiege
BNET: Fiege#1567