4+ Hours Queue Time --- Bring Layers Back!

Except everything about the game…10K servers is destroying the economy. Loot trading is completely against how vanilla was designed and leaving problems and solutions to the users. Cross realm battlegrounds completely removes the social build up. Knowing who the tough horde are in pvp, knowing who the dumb people are you do not want in a group. It is all destroyed.

I never said I want layering forever. A much better long term solution needs to be put into place, but layering could get people online right this second while they fix it.

i’m not sure what the fix is but layers are certainly a lot better than queues

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it amazes me they fixing the black loctus this and stopped xfers onto these realms but no layering? XD jfc…

great way to drive people that only play classic to quit for good. wouldnt mind myself if retail didn’t feel like hot garbage rn.

I mean I would love for them to remove cross server, balance factions, and combine servers that are extreme to one side or another. The problem is that people that already have relationships established and guilds built. They simply wont do it voluntarily. This means that Blizzard would have to force-ably balance servers out, which would piss people off. Blizzard has a tough problem on their hands for sure.

The fix is for people to start moving OFF the full servers. Layering was only temporary, and Blizzard warned us this from the start.

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Whitemane is at a 270 minute queue. After working all day it would be nice to raid with my guild.

Sure they have their faults to the wowconomy, but 2 very urgent benefits are the fact that people who pay for the game can play the game with the people they want to play with.

Along with playability, this offers a partial remedy to some of the server wide buff/raid griefing.

We need layers to come back. They have a downside but at least we get to login and play! FIX this BLIZZARD

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Blizz gave you an out already. I seriously hope blizz keeps ignoring you all. You made your bed, now sleep in it.

He does have a choice: transfer to another server. Just because he doesn’t like that choice doesn’t mean he is lacking a choice, or that, by staying, he has chosen the queue.

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Walking barefoot is not an option when you’re frustrated you have to wait an absurd amount of time to get a pair of shoes to walk over broken glass. Especially when this is easily avoidable, and the entire problem is due to Blizzard’s poor management of the servers.

Why in the world would they open character transfers to these servers, and character creation on these servers, at the same time they drop layering? Why are they not doing anything about the rampant botting problem that is taking up 10-20% of the server capacity?

It’s a good suggestion, but I don’t think it is possible.

In the long blue post Blizzard said that the Classic server cap is based on technical issues (in 2019, not 2005), and that those were issues involving internet communication, NOT Blizzard software.

I used to work at Cisco, programming internet routers. I have no illusion that hardware, or software, or the internet “can do anything”. There are plenty of limitations.

Did they open character transfers to Whitemane, when they dropped layering? If so, that seems very stupid. I thought the “no transfer” rule stayed in place. Maybe I don’t remember the details.

Maybe Blizzard doesn’t believe that number. I don’t know.

Maybe Blizzard has no way to eliminate botting. I don’t know.

But that seems likely to me. After all, Blizzard professionals have studied the bot problem for 16+ years now. Blizzard has tried many things over those 16 years. Maybe none of them worked. Maybe our belief that “Blizzard could just wave their hand and bots would disappear” is pure fantasy, not fact-based reality. I don’t know.


Players on whitemane advocating for layers affects everybody because players on underpopulated realms can’t find groups as a result of viable mega-servers.

Removal of layers and increased oversight regarding transfer availability results in better population normalization across all factions and realms.